My Published Works in Ten Words or Less

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Object Terror isn't that bad

I mean,, the really early episodes are honestly trash but episodes four and five are really good in terms of art and animation 

But that's not the point of this chapter lmao

I had this idea where I review or say whatever about all my current published works in ten or less words because why not- 

Self-explanatory, so let's start!

Art, Updates, And Everything(not really) In Between! - Irrelevant.

My Story: The Past I Wish To Forget - *throws up* NO.

Goretober Drawing Challenge - The mood keeps alternating

A Tale of Two Dragons(Aireka) - Somehow somewhat proud of this

The Misadventures of The Little Alliance! - Good shit, should be updated more smh

Truthful Thoughts - Book of rants I don't use for some reason

Revenge(II Creepypasta) - Not actually a creepypasta, just cats

30 Day OTP Challenge! - Got WAY too out of hand

Year of The Undead: An Alliance Fanfiction - "Tragic" zombie story 

Ask or Dare the Object Illusion Crew! - Takes too long to complete a chapter

Object Lyric Pranks! -  Drowning in requests and not finishing them

Another 30 Day OTP Challenge - Ah, memories 

Illusion Shift - Deserves to be continued smh

Tengolf: Two to Tango, Two to Love - Actually decent, but hecking slow ass updates 

Animatics! - *procrastination intensifies*

Ask or Dare BOTO! - Should actually work on this more

How It All Really Began - Should probably unpublish until more chapters are done

The Crying Book - Not dead I swear

Objectober 2018 - Still not finshed lmaoo

(The Actual) Goretober 2018 - Edgyness plus the occasional joke

Things People Say - Soon to become one with 'Random Things'

Random Things - Comedy hit or miss

One shots!!! - Better than my actual stories

Skyworld - The best story on this profile tbh

 Basically BOTO - *throws self-indulgence at your face*

(F)Art, Updates, And Everything(not really) In Between! 2! - Actual good shit 

And for a bonus..

Chemical Bond/Living Dream - Had potential, but wasted it all lmao

I may do the same for my drafts,, but they'll be super obscure 

Not that these aren't super obscure anyway lmao

Actually, screw it I'm doing the drafts right now, let's go- 

The Best Month of My Life - Let's pray I do this one justice

Language of Love - The cutest shit ever until plot ruins it

Memoirs - The most classic OSC ship

A Flurry of Colors - Haha AU time

Spiral Into Insanity - After re-reading the description, I'm gonna change the entire story

Living a Lie - Supposedly about the Mandela Effect, but might delete oof

(F)Art, Updates, And Everything(not really) In Between! 2!Where stories live. Discover now