To The Nomination(+Updates Yeet-)

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*cough* Anyway-

*cough* Anyway-

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Also I didn't do this is 3 days soooo- :')

Anyway, Ink1Chara, _CherrySweetKai_, and ArikxAmxya nominated me :0

Uhh 10 things-

1. I've been a very lazy ass recently hhhhhnnnn-

2. I've been told that I sneeze like a kitten oOF-

Haha KITKat, gET IT-

I swear I didn't plan that-

3. I downloaded two very addictive games and I feel like it was a mistake but I don't really regret it :')

4. Parents: Don't stay up too late

Me: Okay


*stays up until 1AM*

5. I'm thinking about these too much smh

6. I wear braces and they suck, especially in the morning when they make an indentation in my lip :')

7. I'm also supposed to wear rubber bands in my mouth daily, but I don't do it for some reason-

*proceeds to put rubber bands in mouth*

8. Never tell me to not worry about you

Otherwise I'll worry about you more because that's jUST THE KIND OF PERSON I AM R I P -

In other words, I worry about other people a lot and am constantly scared for them :')

9. I unintentionally adopt behaviors of other people

For example: owo, uwu, :'), plus some other things that include writing/drawing styles, and talking styles--

10. Once upon a time I ate a cake right out of the oven

I was a bad child :')

Nominate 28 people haha nOPE-

Put a title to the nomination-


And now I tell a joke-


Police Hat is mega amazing-


Write a spoiler for a possible work of yours--

Okay transition time-


I opened my eyes to complete darkness, but I was definitely in another place.  The air around me was cold, and I was sitting in a chair.  Tight, coarse rope bound my hands behind me; a common method to hold someone captive.

Pudding Cup was right.  I couldn't trust strangers.  Especially not now.

A lock clicked.  Two pairs of footsteps entered the room.

"Oh, you're finally up." A male voice said. "He's a heavy sleeper, eh?  Or did you hit him that hard?"

No reply from the other object.

But I knew it was her.

The male chuckled, and walked up to where I was.

"Listen, I'll make this quick.  Tell me where it is.  The cure."

"..I can't tell you."

My voice was dry in my throat.  How long was I out?

"Right, right, I get it.  Is it not perfect?  Do you need test subjects?  Or do you have trouble mass producing it?"

He grabbed the arm of the chair, hissing.

"I can make it perfect!  I can provide you with test subjects!  I can EASILY mass produce!  So what's the matter?  Do you have...other intentions?"

I said nothing.

The male huffed, and let go.  "So it's going to be like that.  I expected no less.  Take him out."

"Is that necessary?"

"If you can find another way to get it out of him, be my guest!  If he's stubborn, use the bat."

The door clicked shut.  Now it was just her and me.

"Please just make it easier for yourself.  Tell me-"

"You lied to me!  You betrayed me!" I shouted.

"I know..I'm sorry." She mumbled. "I promise I'll-"

"No!  Sorry ISN'T enough!" I growled. "For WEEKS, I trusted you, even when Pudding Cup doubted you!  I gave you EVERYTHING I had, and this-  This is what you do!?"

She shifted her feet. 

"I know this is unforgivable, but people NEED this cure, and they need it NOW.  You're supposed to save lives, and this is the way to do it.  Just tell me, and this can all be over."

"You can't believe a THING that he says!  Do YOU know what his true intentions are!?  I won't tell you or him ANYTHING."

Everything was tense.  Something scraped the floor, rising up.

"I'm sorry Police Hat.  I'm so sorry.."

Something hard collided with my head before everything went quiet.


Realistic arguments what, I've never heard of that-

That isn't the final version, bUT I BET YOU CAN TELL WHAT THIS IS

Hhhhn okay updates

First of all, so sorry for not being an active writer hhhI'madisappointment-

My motivation disappeared again and I can't seem to find it :'")

However, my main focus right now is the ask or dare, which I think I'm halfway done with -

And I'm on summer break, so yayyy

And uhhh I think that's pretty much it-

Love you, byeeeee 💖💖💖

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