Basically A Ripoff of Sanders Sides

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High school is:


 -A lot of work

 -Big tough

And it's only gonna get harder from here-

But like I said before it's not tHAT bad, I'm just overexaggerating a little.

Anyway what,, what else did I want to say

Oh yeah, I uh- stopped writing for the time being. Lost my writing streak lmao big tough-

I mean,, my sister is currently writing her own story that she hopefully won't quit on like literally every other story she's written- And also I plan to publish a book my brother wrote(after I revise and edit)

By the way, I'd appreciate it if you could go check her story out!! It's called Paper Planes, it's on my profile; it's a pretty short read right now but it would make her day if you could give her support(or constructive criticism,, she's still a beginner writer) :>

Yeah,, I'm feeling more tired this year than before?? My friend said it's because we wake up an hour earlier for school and I haven't adjusted the time I sleep to get at least 6-7 hours every night, so I'm operating on 5-6 instead. She's probably right lmao

But sleeping is unproductive :(

I am actually trying to sleep earlier on weekdays though don't @ me

Onto the actual point of this chapter though,, I have the personalities drawn!

..should I call them Kit-sonalities instead- Yeah I'll just do that.

should I call them Kit-sonalities instead- Yeah I'll just do that

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 -Anything that makes me happy



 -Sad things

 -Sad happiness

 -Sad happiness

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 -Dark red

 -Bitterness, annoyance, things that I dislike

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