One Year Q&A!

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I procrastinated so much on homework for this XD

but seriously, thank you guys so much for one year, it means a lot :0

Tbh, it only feels like a week XD

You all are so amazing, and have taught me so many things, and I hope that we can make many more happy memories together <3

And I'd really like to meet you guys in real life :00

I think that would be hecking awesome!

But enough of this, it's Q&A time ;P

AbbieLovesButter asks:

AbbieLovesButter asks:

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Usually, I tag people in the order they appear in when I want to tag someone.  And that order happens to be in the order of which I am following people(new to old).

Hopefully that answers your question :P

Hippydoodle98 asks:

Hippydoodle98 asks:

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Refers indeed- XD

My least favorite thing outside of Wattpad is homework-

It takes away from my writing/drawing time, and is practically pointless-

And my favorite thing to do is either watch YouTube or think about writing.

...yeah my life is boring, but whatever XD

As for inspiration, drawing just comes pretty easily to me(I do get artist's block from time to time though, it sucks-), as I usually draw fanart and such.  Drawing ideas also come from things that happen on Wattpad(AbbieLovesButter Taco Bell XD) or just whatever happens to be on my mind.

Basically, I draw whatever I want XD

With writing, it's a little harder to explain, but I'll try anyway :P

Any writing idea comes from either A, a movie/something that happens irl, or B, a small thought that explodes into something huge.

For instance, the idea of Living Dream(Chemical Bond) was thought up in one morning.  I don't remember exactly how it happened, but it did.  It was just a small thought that turned into the book that it is today :0

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