Hype Hype Hype-

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Bro, I just realized this book is almost finished.

Anyway, hi! You may have heard of me, probably not, actually most likely you already figured out. I am not the Kit you're used to. I am from an alternate dimension, who hacked Kit's account. But not to worry, I am not going to do what hackers usually do, instead I am here to discuss a story I will write! On this account!

Also yes, I did get permission from this dimension Kit. I actually discussed it with with a bit in the interdimensional realm.

So, back to stories, I had a big brain idea the other day, not that big brained but big enough. Actually, I had no reason to think of this, I just did. So anyway, the story is currently called "Knife Questions His Life Desicions" aka "Knife's Bizarre Adventure +Mic +TestTube", which is a parody of "Pen's Bizzare Adventure", but more PG 13.

The whole idea was that Knife, Mic, and Test Tube find themselves in a strange fantasy dimension, 2 weeks after episode 14. And so I build from there, though I do have the smallest plot outline, it'll probably work out. But with school and all progression might be slow, yadda yadda. I'm actually going to try and complete this. This dimension Kit actually suggested a broventure with Knife, Pickle, and Cheesy.

I am not the best writer and this dimension Kit said it herself, it's amateur. The fic is not humanized, although at some point I think they turn into humans-

Look at the story how you want, but I assure you, it is not a love triangle. No romantic feelings, gonna throw them all out the window. It really could go in any direction from extreme angst to just the average adventure story.

But when will the first chapter come out? Hopefully sometime this month, maybe even two chapters if you're lucky. So....uh, yeah! Expect that to come out soon, once I think of a better title.

Edit: Lost motivation to continue that story, with school and all and I just don't like writing the story-

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