Art And Updates Lmao

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Is it just me, or do I have more update chapters than art?

Whatever, lmao-

Time for some random doodles-

Time for some random doodles-

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It was science homework lol

Basically, it was a genetics thing where you flipped a coin to determine the genetics of the child, and then you had to draw and color.

I think it turned out pretty okay :0

Okay, ummm, I also draw some kinda edgy things since I was in the mood to-

Okay, ummm, I also draw some kinda edgy things since I was in the mood to-

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A drawing based off a drawing based off something I wrote- could've been better lol

The 'N' looks like an 'M' for some reason-

I honestly like the original better, made by Ink1Chara in her second art book-

I honestly like the original better, made by Ink1Chara in her second art book-

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Okay now THIS ONE-

It makes me want to cry, goodness-

Why can't everyone just be okay? ._.

Also, look at all that blue over there lmao

Also, look at all that blue over there lmao

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(F)Art, Updates, And Everything(not really) In Between! 2!Where stories live. Discover now