Fish Are Fuckin Annoying

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I'm tired lmfao

Jesus fucking christ my brother is a fucking nightmare I really don't want to be here right now

Fucking hell he's so fucking entitled I can't stand people like that,, the noise is stressing me out and "I'm so sorry?" ??? Bitch??? You literally are screaming and hitting my sister because you want to use the fucking computer??? It's not like he understands anyway,, fucking hell

I'm aware this is incredibly mean but "he's autistic and he can't control himself" is a fucking terrible argument it's not my fault he thinks he can do anything because he wasn't taught his goddamn boundaries when he was younger and was given electronics to calm him down that is terrible parenting and I really have no sympathy right now. I'm tired and do not give a shit.

What??? It's my fault for not wanting to spend time with him??? Fine, sure, but I don't fucking feel sorry. I don't like children and I don't like spending time with people I don't want to fucking spend time with. I'm not family-oriented, I am a fucking recluse who wants to be alone all the time. 

Anyway sorry for angry rant I really am letting the reins loose on my emotions, huh? I should probably stop before I become a toxic piece of shit, ranting and venting on the Internet is addictive as hell

Blehhhhh this makes me sound like a terrible person and honestly maybe I am. Who knows at this point because I sure don't lmaooo 

I've taken to eating raisins for some reason..stress eating?? Or maybe they're a good snack but they make me dehydrated so I should stop 

Just like,, stop everything. Become so emotionally detached that feelings are irrelevant anymore and no shits will ever be given. Idk man I just want to live quietly without someone screaming every fuckin day

Anyway I'm tired so I say stupid shit,, back to the reason I made this chapter

Okami is a beautiful fucking game and so many people are sleeping on it??? 

Basically, Okami is a game based entirely on Japanese mythology. You play as the Shinto sun goddess Amaterasu, who takes the form of a wolf, and use a godly brush to fight monsters and save the world from evil demons. Sound interesting? It's a great game but it's also really long, so if you're gonna play or watch it make sure you have a lot of time on hand, or at least watch/play an hour a day or something 

Everything in the game is based off of Japanese mythology. I shit you not, every character and npc is somehow related to a Japanese myth or story or folk tale. Okami is great. Go experience it-

Oh and context behind the title I was fishing in-game looking for one specific fish but it took an hour and a half to catch one so,, yeah lmao

I'd say more but uh spoilers?? Ee- At least listen to the soundtrack the music in this game is amazing. 

Byeee love you <3333

Yeah yeah short ass chapter but I'm tired and just,, aaaaa

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