My One Shots in Ten Words or Less

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Hey hey I got this idea from LightDancer365

So this is basically the "My Published Works in Ten Words or Less" chapter, but with my one shots(plus drafts, lucky you guys)

Also I just realized that I have almost as many published one shots as I have published works. Not sure what to make of this.

Bickel: Not The Same: Old and kinda cringy but the most popular??

Lightbrush: Dandelions: Fluff galore but still kinda cringy

Nickcase: Confessions Under A Harvest Moon: Had a decent idea but messed it up

Marshple: Forgiveness: CAN YOU IMAGGGGIIINNEE- Decent but STILL not quite there

Suitloon: Angel: Actually good and emotional!

Nickcase: Forever And Never: oW THE EDGE(still need to make a follow up)

Oreocup: Stronger Than Ever: Another decent idea that I messed up ffs

Oreocup: Roses And Second Chances: Flowers and oH MY GOD WHY IS THIS SO LONG

Sleeping Leafy: Arguably one of the best one shots.

Coiny Does The Yeet And Everyone Dies: Lowkey love this one shot; beautiful and memey.

Haunted House: Pretty good, could be better. Tried my hand at action.

A Duo Divided: Noo, they broke up :(

Penny For Your Thoughts: Still love this one shot. Not a cliche relationship!

Warm: The ending makes me feel soft and warm :>

Last Wish: Shieldy dying = hell no.

Patient Blessing:*reads again* *smiles because it's cute*

Only Us: Aww this is nice and cute-

Rejects Like Us: Angsty but also fluff

Stones And Water: This is what I call good shit.

Nice Guy: Just a nice, slightly gay friendship.

Forever And A Half: That poor girl though ;-;

Blossoms Of Love: Hanahaki Disease,, poor Shelly :(

A Perfect Body: SELF LOVE PSA

Between You And Me: Just cuteness, actually.

(Unnaned Oneshot): Need an idea for this smh

Joke's On You: gIvE hIm A cHaNcE cOmE oN

Wingman: One shot from another perspective!

Distance: The very definition of unnecessary feelings 

Bird Song: Murder edgelord Liy time

Tree(Almost) Dies From Ligma: Title

What's One Less?: Cliche-ish Tacopop??

Always Find A Way: This should be a nice one.

Slow Down: Somewhat angsty even though it shouldn't  be smh

Andddd that's it! That's all the one shots, make of those descriptions what you will. 

Art is coming soon, but they're mainly shitposts- 

Bye, love you guys <333

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