Something Fishy

89 9 35

Hey guess who's back from the dead-

Zombies, duh-

Oh shoot now I'm gonna get eaten, bYE-


Anyways, I'm backkkkk- ÙwÚ

And I've finally caught up with all my notifications!

I was at the beach a lot

The ocean water was cold, but I stood in it anyways-

The ocean was very violent- ._.

I kept getting wet hhhh-


I tried something new this weekend!

I went fishing! :0

I didn't catch anything haha XDD

Lei(my sister, if you've forgotten) caught three fish lmao

My brother was very salty-

I'm honestly fine that I caught zilch


Anyway, what was I saying?

Oh yeah-

We released them back into the ocean

I still had a nice time :>

It was also really cloudy too .-.

I missed you guys :>

This did kinda show me I needed a break though-

*Take A Break starts playing non-stop in my head like the Hamiltrash that I am*

Go away thoughts, I'm trying to concentrate-

But anyway, I'm always trying to help people with their depression, I guess I never try to maintain my own mental health??

I dunno, maybe I just needed a break from everything in general-

Speaking of which, school starts tomorrow hhhh-

I know that most of you are just starting your Spring Break, but mine is pretty much over-

Only two more months until summer holy shoot-

So yeah I'm not gonna be as free as I was before-

Oh well .-.

I think that's all I wanted to say-


Okay bye, see ya later!

Love ya 💖💖💖

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