Seven- Erica

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Erica's POV

   I woke up to Michael shaking me awake. I am not a morning person, so I groaned at the thought of having to get up.

   "Get ready, Erica. We leave for breakfast in 10," Michael said.

   Now that woke me up. 10 minutes to get ready? Gee, thanks Michael for the wake up call.

   I rushed to the bathroom and began to brush my teeth. I then brushed my hair and got changed into my outfit specifically planned for "Day 2." I applied some quick mascara and was ready to go.

   Michael told me that we'd be meeting Jay and Molly outside before walking to Denny's. They were both ready right outside of our door when we left. I said hello to Jay before starting to make small conversation with Molly.

   We arrived at Denny's and I saw all the other boys sat at a long table. We grabbed a spot and began looking at the menu.

   "Hey, Erica. How do you like it here in Los Angeles?" Chance asked me.

   "I like it a lot. Everything is a lot different here than in Cleveland."

   All of the boys were super nice to me, making sure to include me in their conversations. But at one point, Mikey asked how old Molly and I were.

"Well, I'm 14 and Molly is 11."

I noticed the guys exchange a few looks after that, and I turned to Michael to see what was up. He didn't look too happy.

"Guys, don't set up Erica and Jay." Michael stated.

I felt myself blush and Jay did too. Molly just laughed since she didn't really know about the livestream last night or how awkward it could get when Jay and I were in the same presence.

"Relax, Michael," Mikey responded. "We don't have any control over Jay nor Erica's relationships."
With that, he added a wink towards me. There goes another blush.

"You know, that would be kind of cool. Then you'd be like my sister!" Molly said.

I didn't really have anything to say to that. I could feel Michael getting a little angry next to me. Being Molly's sister would be a lot of fun, but I really don't see any possibility of Michael allowing me to date Jay, even if I wanted to.

Wait. I thought to myself. Did I really just say I wanted to date Jay? I shook the thought out of my head. He doesn't like me anyways.

I noticed that Brady could sense the tension and awkwardness at the topic that was being discussed at the table, so he thankfully changed the subject. All the boys just followed along and started talking about something else random.

I looked up at Jay, only to see him staring back at me. He smiled. And it wasn't a smile of pity, or a smile just to make me feel less awkward. It was a genuine smile. So, I smiled back.

But I kind of wish I didn't.

Michael looked right at me when I sent Jay a smile back, and so he witnessed it all.

"Can I speak to you outside, Erica?" Michael asked. I immediately began to feel worried. I didn't know what Michael would say to me. Was he mad at me? Would he tell me I'm not allowed to speak to Jay again? Does that mean I won't be able to see Molly anymore? These thoughts filled my mind and as I followed Michael outside, I grew anxious.

We stood there a bit awkwardly for a little. It has never been awkward between us before. Now I knew something wasn't going to go well, but I still silently prayed for the best. After a tense moment of silence, Michael broke the ice.

"Do you like Jay?"

I was taken aback from his question. I thought for sure he'd be yelling at me or giving me a lecture. I didn't think he would want to hear me speak about Jay right now.

"Umm, I really don't know," I started. "Sometimes I think I do, but-"

"It's okay if you like Jay, Erica."

A wave of relief flew over me, and I was no longer anxious and worried.

"Really?" I just wanted to make sure I didn't space out right then.

"You can like whoever you want, date whoever you want. Even if he is one of my best friends, I guess." Michael said. "But if he breaks your heart, that's another story."

I smiled. I really did love having Michael as a brother, and I knew he would keep his word. He has always been there by my side and he definitely wouldn't let any boy hurt me.

"Thanks, Michael."

"Hey, I'm just glad you didn't fall for another of my friends, like someone much older. Then there would be a problem." Michael laughed. I laughed too at the thought of me having a crush on Chance or Drew for example, since they both are five years older than me.

We walked back into the restaurant, and I was glad Michael pulled me outside to talk. It made the whole situation so much better and less stressful. The boys took note of the smile on both of our faces and knew that everything was okay.

After eating, we all went to the mall and did a little shopping. I helped Michael pick out a few new things and so did Molly. We even got to get some clothes for ourselves, too!

Most of the boys split up into groups when at the mall, since there were so many of us. But afterwards, we all met up again and filed into the bus that took us there. The ride back to the hotel was pretty quiet, as most of the guys were tired from walking around all day. I sat in between Molly and Jay.

Molly and I were going through the photos we took today and deciding on which ones to post. But then, Jay chipped in too.

"You look great in that one, Erica."

I felt myself blush again. I said a quiet thanks and turned back to Molly in hopes that it could go back to not being awkward again.

Molly and I found pictures that we both liked and posted them to Instagram. We finally reached the hotel and we all got out of the bus.

I had so much fun hanging out with all of the guys and Molly today. But I still feel awkward around Jay.


Oh my gosh! It's really cool to see how the # of reads increases every time I check. Thank you all for taking the time to read my story! :)

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