Fifteen- Erica

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Erica's POV

Oh my god.

It looked amazing.

Okay, I wasn't saying that I looked amazing, but I was saying that they managed to make me prettier with the makeup, while keeping it natural as I had requested.

Now, I only had a few more minutes until Jay would be here, so I thanked Kaitlyn and Molly as they packed up and rushed out of the room. I started pacing around my room as I grew a little anxious.

I checked my phone, and the only notification that stood out to me was:

Jay: On my way, be there in a few 😊

I quickly replied an "okay :)" and looked in the mirror at my outfit. I was wearing a black off the shoulder shirt with a bralette and some dark wash jean shorts. Casual but cute, Kaitlyn told her earlier.

My outfit examination was interrupted by a knock on the door. Here we go...

"Hi, Jay!" I said with a smile, greeting him at the door.

"Hey, Erica. You look beautiful!" Jay told me. I felt myself blush but I didn't let it make me awkward.

"Thank you, you don't look too bad yourself," I replied. I reached to a table in my room to grab some sunglasses. I'm sure it would still be sunny out, and even if it wasn't, Jay was practically known for wearing sunglasses inside, at night, and just anywhere in general. And with that, I followed him out of the hotel. He had an uber ready waiting directly outside to take us somewhere.

   "Where are we going, exactly?" I asked him.

   "Just around Downtown LA," Jay said. "Should be some good spots to take photos."

   That sounded really cool, and since Kaitlyn and Molly did my makeup, I was hoping it would look pretty good in the photos. I actually loved taking photos and I got really excited about that last part he said. Hopefully, some of the pictures would turn out good enough for my Instagram.

   I've been getting a lot more followers ever since Michael has been getting bigger through the show. He's mentioned having sisters in some interviews and live streams on Instagram, so I'm guessing fans just wanted to see what we looked like.

   "Are you excited?" Jay asked, he had a bit of a nervous face on. I'm assuming it was because he was worried I wouldn't like what he had planned. But of course I did! Anything I did with Jay would always be fun!

   "Of course! Everything you have planned sounds really nice!" I replied laughing a little at the end.

   The car ride was basically filled with small talk about many different topics. Our uber driver also spoke to us a few times, and let us have the aux cord. Jay took it and played a bunch of his favorite songs that he wanted to share with me. I thought it was really cute how excited he got.

   "OH I ALMOST FORGOT ABOUT THIS ONE!" Jay shrieked and played yet another different song.

   I laughed, and our uber driver found it funny, as well. I mean, who wouldn't? It was hilarious. Jay could be so mature at times and act way older than 14, but as I'm seeing now, he totally has a childish side to him.

We finally arrived at our destination and I was so excited to get out and explore. Jay quickly paid the uber and opened the door for me. How nice.

"Why thank you!" I said, laughing at my fancy tone.

"Of course, m'lady!" Jay replied, also laughing.

We were at this spot that had a bunch of different really cool walls. That may sound weird, but any wall with a cool pattern or color seemed to have become very popular on social media.

"Like it?" Jay asked. I nodded my head and continued staring at the wall in awe. The one we were at was white with a really interesting pattern in blue over the top. Jay and I couldn't figure out what the symbols on the wall meant, and we tried Googling it, but no such luck. Regardless, I still posed in front of the wall while Jay said he would take some photos.

"Gorgeous! Work it, girl!" Jay said, while snapping tons of pictures. That made me laugh, and of course he took that as an opportunity to take a candid laughing photo.

We switched spots and he tried to look all cool or "dope" as he would say. I pretended to be like a professional photographer and yelled "SLAY!" as a joke.

We continued walking down the streets looking at all of the cool walls. There really was nothing like this in Cleveland. We stopped at a few other ones before Jay said he had somewhere else to take me.

It was about 5:30 now, and time sure did go by fast. The area we were in didn't really have anything else by it, so of course, Jay called up another uber. What did he have planned now?


It took me quite a while to get this update finished, because I kept getting side tracked and distracted. But, here it is! I hope you all enjoy it! I really like reading your guys' comments, so if you would like to comment on my story, feel free to! If you read this far, comment your favorite member of In Real Life :) Mine is Michael!

Michael Conor's Sister || A JHype Fanfictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें