Fifty Five- Erica

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Erica's POV

Jay left and went back to his room a little after we just sat there doing nothing. We mutually decided to not speak about this little fiasco in front of others. I didn't want my family to be weirded out about Jay coming into our room at 4 in the morning, nor did I want them to be concerned about my crying/ bad dream.

I thought it would be best to go back to sleep for now. There wouldn't be any use for me to stay awake when there's nothing to do. Jay also said he was going back to sleep when he gets back to his room. But, he was genuinely worried about me, and made me promise to call him if something happened again.

When I woke up, it was finally a normal time to be awake. I checked the clock, and it was 9:41 am. I got a pretty good amount of sleep after the incident. My siblings and dad were already awake, sitting on the beds watching TV or on their electronic devices. (Brendan and Patrick don't have cell phones yet)

I checked my phone, scrolling through various posts on Instagram. I've gained a few more followers over night, and they were all Boy Band fan accounts. I thought that was so funny, me getting all this attention from my brother and boyfriend's fans.

After messing around with the plans for the day, we all decided to go to the mall today and kill some time before the live show. We're supposed to meet at 11:00am at Presley's room, so I figured that now would be a good time to get ready.

I did my regular morning routine, nothing special. I was, however, planning to dress up tonight for the finale. But, I could do that closer to the time of the actual show. Kaitlyn also got ready, noticing the time and after seeing me begin to do my makeup.

When we were both finished, It was 10:32am now. Since we had extra time, you already know what we did. We went back into bed and went on our phones like the lazy, internet addicts we are.

It was finally 11:00, so we left the room and went to Presley's. Her door was already open due to the fact that everyone had just arrived. We invited ourselves inside and greeted Presley, Molly, and Jade. I also made sure to say hello to Shawnee. She has been great and has actually willingly drove us places. Of course, she volunteered to drive us all to the mall.

   "Ready to go?" Shawnee asked us all. We responded by nodding, and standing up to leave.

   Once we arrived at the mall, I thanked Shawnee for taking us and she dropped us off in the front. We all just started walking in a random direction, when we were suddenly interrupted.

   "Ahh! You guys are the sisters of guys on Boy Band!" A tall, blonde girl screamed, grabbing her friend's hand next to her.

   "Oh my gosh! Can we please get a photo with you all?" Her friend asked us. It was funny to see how they got excited over us.

   "Of course!" Presley said, smiling. We all nodded our heads to show that we agreed to taking the picture.

   We had the two girls go in the middle of us all, while one of their moms snapped the photo. I smiled, and put my arms around everyone to the side of me. I wanted to make sure I looked alright in the photo, without being all stiff and awkward looking.

   "Thank you so much!" The blonde girl said to us, after the mom had taken about thirty pictures. It was funny, though, and the girl seemed embarrassed about her mom being there.

   We continued along after the girls left. Everyone was told to dress up a little for tonight's finale, and so we all wanted to go dress shopping. Jade pulled us all into a store that she said had good options.

   "Excuse me, where are the dresses?" Kaitlyn asked an employee when we entered into the clothing store. She pointed to a random direction, and we followed that way to hopefully find something for tonight. We found the aisle with dresses and began searching.

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