Nine- Erica

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Erica's POV

I was just looking through social media to escape the world for a minute. I even found a fanpage for me! That's absolutely crazy! Of course, I immediately followed them back, and soon after, the fan had posted a screenshot thanking me for the follow. That made me so happy. I continued to look through my feed and tagged photos, liking them along the way. But, my Instagram scrolling was interrupted by a text.

Jay: Hey
Erica: You're not tired of me by now??
Jay: I could never get tired of you
Erica: Wow smooth Jay
Jay: You know it 😉
Erica: 😂😂 What's up?
Jay: Nothing. I've got rehearsals in an hour but that's it.
Erica: I know I already said it, but I had fun this morning 😊
Jay: I'm glad you did. Worried you'd get bored of me.
Erica: Why would I ever get bored of you??? You're one of the most interesting people i've ever met 😂
Jay: Interesting? 🤔
Erica: In the best way possible, I promise
Jay: haha alright
Erica: It's crazy, I found a fanpage of ME on Instagram!
Jay: It's your first fanpage?
Erica: Well, yeah. I didn't think i'd ever get even one in the first place 😂
Jay: Of course you would. I mean, Molly has fanpages too
Erica: Molly is super cool, tho
Jay: So are you
Erica: Thanks 😂

The conversation ended shortly, due to Jay having to get ready to leave for rehearsals. Michael should be getting back soon. I was really excited for his performance this week. His group was consisted of him, Brady, Andrew Bloom, and Jaden. They were scheduled to sing "Since You've Been Gone," by Kelly Clarkson.

I was also really excited to see Jay perform, too. He was singing "Jealous," by Nick Jonas. And he was with Mikey, Sergio, and Marcus. I knew they would do amazing. All of them would.

But there was one thing I wasn't looking forward too; the double elimination. I always dreaded these, and I was so sad that there would be another double elimination right when they just had one last week.

Michael knocked on the door, so I got up to open it. I asked him how rehearsals went and he said they went well. But it seemed like he wanted to talk about something else and was rushing our conversation.

"How was your date with Jay?" he asked.

"You knew about that?" I questioned. "And it wasn't a date... I think."

"Of course I knew," Michael said. "Jay asked me for permission."

"Oh..." I said. Why would Jay need permission to hang out with me?

"He asked me if he could take you out on a date."

   Was that really a date? I thought to myself. He did compliment me throughout the time we spent together, but I thought he was just being friendly and trying to make conversation.

   My phone buzzed.

Kaitlyn: We are going to the beach today. Want to come?
Erica: We?
Kaitlyn: Me, Mom, Patrick, Brendan, Dad
Erica: What about Michael?
Kaitlyn: I already asked him. He has more rehearsals later and choreography to learn.

   "You have more rehearsals later?" I asked Michael.

   "Yup, the grind never ends."

Erica: Sure, when are we leaving?
Kaitlyn: 5 mins
Erica: Gee, thanks for the heads up
Kaitlyn: You're welcome. Now go get ready!
Erica: 🙄

   I quickly grabbed my suitcase, threw it open, and started searching for a swim suit to put on under my outfit. At a time like this, I was glad my parents had always taught me to pack some swim suits whenever we went somewhere just in case.

   I put on a black and white polka dotted bikini and wore the same clothes as I was earlier. I liked dressing casual, so I just wore a plain tee shirt with some jean shorts.

   I knew we would end up taking pictures, so I put on some waterproof mascara. Luckily, I only needed to do those two things before I was ready and out the door meeting the rest of my family. Michael said bye to me and told me to have fun as I left.

   We went to Santa Monica, hung out by the pier and the beach. It was amazing. I loved it here. And, I guessed correctly; we did take some photos. But I was glad we did, because I've been needing a new photo to post on Instagram.

   The day went by quickly, my mom said it was because we had so much fun. Getting back to the hotel was bittersweet. I loved being in Santa Monica, but I was also super tired and looking forward to relaxing.

   After a shower and changing into some pajamas, I looked through the photos from today and chose my favorite one to post.

ericasm1th Had a blast today in Santa Monica ☀️tagged: kaitlynsm1th

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ericasm1th Had a blast today in Santa Monica ☀️
tagged: kaitlynsm1th

username1 this is such a cute photo!
username2 I love Santa Monica, glad you had fun!
username3 tell your brother I love him
molly_k_g__ super cute Erica!! 😍
username4 Queen Molly and Queen Erica are friend goals^
jhypeofficial this is a dope photo.
michaelbmoc looks like fun, wish I could've gone!
username5 why didn't you go michaelbmoc
username6 he prob had rehearsals username5
username7 😍😍 So Pretty!
ericasm1th thank you 💓 💓molly_k_g__
ericasm1th thanks Jay! 💙 jhypeofficial
ericasm1th missed you today 💘 michaelbmoc
kaitlynsm1th love you sis


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