Eleven- Jay & Erica

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Jay's POV

I decided to let Erica's siblings know.

"Tomorrow, I'm taking Erica out on a date and we're going to find some cool places in LA."

I smiled as I saw everyone's heads turn to Erica. She blushed. I noticed she did that a lot, and it was cute. I found it very cute.

   "You're dating?" Kaitlyn asked Erica.

   "Slow your roll, it's just a first date. We aren't in a relationship," Erica answered.

   But I heard her mutter something under her breath afterwards. What did she say?

Erica's POV

   "Slow your roll, it's just a first date. We aren't in a relationship..."

   "Yet." I added, making sure to be quiet about it. I'm pretty sure only Michael heard me, as we met eyes after I said it.

   "Erica is in loveeee," Patrick cooed.

   "Shut up, Patrick."

   "Jay's in loveeee," Molly mimicked.

   "Stop, Molly," Jay said, with a nudge to her.

   What a great pure example of sibling love. But we were all close and knew we were all just playing around. I finished my drink, and everyone else was either done or nearly there as well.

   We started walking back to the hotel. I had a lot of fun at this mini-outing we had right now. And I was looking forward for more to come.

   Arriving at the hotel room, there were a few fans there who had been waiting to meet Michael and Jay. I just kept following Kaitlyn to the elevators, since we really didn't need to be with the boys while they were meeting fans.

   "Wait!" I heard a girl shout. "Can I take a picture with you two?" The girl motioned towards Molly and me. Obviously, we agreed and smiled for the photo. I was surprised, but I also found it really cool that someone actually wanted to take a picture with me.

   After taking the quick photo, we headed back towards the elevator to go up to our rooms. Since Michael was still downstairs finishing up with the fans, Molly asked if I wanted to come hang in her room. Agreeing, we walked past my room and down the hall to her's.

At the room, Molly had some Goldfish crackers that she and I shared. Well, kind of. Okay, fine. I was hungry, that Starbucks did not fill me up at all. I ate the whole bag. Molly was always carefree so she didn't mind, and she had other snacks in the room if she wanted anything.

Jay had texted Molly and told her that he was in Michael's room, and he wouldn't be back for a bit. We were just on Instagram and looking on our phones, the norm. I tied my hair up in a messy bun so that it wouldn't get all up in my face while I was just trying to relax. After a while, Molly started showing me a new game she recently downloaded onto her phone.

Molly and I got bored and started to watch a scary movie on Netflix. We both got scared pretty easily, but as long as we had each other's presence, we would be alright. Kind of. Molly just chose a random one, and Insidious was what her finger landed on while scrolling and stopping abruptly.

It was going alright so far, we were a couple minutes into the movie and there were only a few jump scares. Those didn't really get me, but Molly flinched a couple times.

Deeper into the movie, the plot thickened and the story grew more intense. This made me way more scared in comparison to the beginning of the movie. I felt as if I was actually in the movie, too. The thought of being in Insidious made me very uncomfortable, to say the least. Now I was cautious of my surroundings, even though I knew it was only Molly and me in the room.

A couple minutes later, we heard a noise. It was the door. Like someone was trying to get inside of the room, but they couldn't because it was locked. We paused the movie and listened closely. All I could hear was fidgeting with the doorknob from outside. Molly and I exchanged glances with one another as we felt scared. Were we about to get kidnapped? Or die? Thoughts like those flooded into my brain.

We were sitting on the bed right next to the wall, and we couldn't see the door from here. But there was a mini hallway that you would have to walk through in order to get to the area we were in, and we could hide behind the wall and hit whoever was there. Our self defense strategies were pretty good. These girls won't be killed today!

And then we heard it. The door opened. The footsteps came. And Molly grabbed her Hydro Flask to whack whoever it was and was currently crouched behind the wall. Whoever was there paused with their walking. Maybe they thought it was an empty room, since they couldn't see us from where they were standing.

But then they continued walking slowly and by the time we saw their foot from behind the wall, Molly jumped out and swung the bottle.


Hey guys! Thank you all so much for getting me to over 600 reads. I know that isn't a lot for a lot of you amazing writers out there, but this is my first story and it's pretty high for me. School started today for me, on 8/28 so I won't be able to update multiple times during the day, unless I have a lot of free time. But, hopefully I will be able to update at least once every day or maybe once every other day. However, on the weekends I will be definitely working on updates as much as possible. Once again, thank you for reading my story and adding it to your reading lists or libraries and even voting!

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