Fifty Four- Erica & Jay

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Erica's POV

   I woke up abruptly, drenched in my own sweat. I had a bad dream. A nightmare, the first one in a while.

   It felt so real. It started off by me just casually going along with my day. I did the normal scheduled things for today, and then it all lead up to the Boy Band finale. In my dream, everything was going great, so I didn't suspect a thing. However, once I was sat in the audience for the live show, things started going downhill.

   Michael didn't make the band.

   But that isn't even the worse part.

   In my dream, he dropped and fainted.

   Or so we all thought.

   It turns out that he had a heart attack.

   He was rushed to the hospital, and the episode had to be delayed. Everyone was in a state of panic. Of course, my family and I went to the hospital with Michael in the ambulance. Jay's family was meeting us there, but they had driven their own car.

   Michael got all set in a room very quickly, only for us to find out that he didn't make it. His heart had completely stopped.

   Right now, I'm just so relieved. If that were to be real, I would probably never stop crying. I mean it. The nightmare scared me big time. I never want to face that situation in reality. Ever.

   Unfortunately, I know that this dream is going to haunt me. Even just waking up a few minutes ago, my brain is still getting flashbacks of scenes from my dream. I'm still seeing my parents and siblings, all crying their eyes out right beside Michael's hospital bed, where he looked so peaceful. Obviously, he wasn't actually peaceful at the time. It was horrifying to have that image keep replaying in my head.

   I tried everything. I tried to go on my phone, browsing through several different apps to try and distract me. All I wanted was for the dream to stop replaying over and over again. I'm supposed to be awake, not reliving the nightmare again.

   Nothing worked. I got up, went to the bathroom, and did other casual daily tasks. Nothing took my mind away from the dream. I couldn't handle it. I don't even understand how this keeps happening, and why it's hurting me so much on the inside if I know it isn't real.

   I broke down.

   Inside of the bathroom in my hotel room, I sat in the bathtub, and cried.

   I cried and cried and cried.

   Why is this happening to me?

   Why won't the dream go away?

   Why isn't it just leaving me alone?

   Aren't I supposed to be awake?

   I cried so much, not caring if I woke up my entire family in the main room. My mom and Michael were in their own hotel room, so they would remain unbothered. But, Kaitlyn, Patrick, Brendan, and my dad are all in the same room, most likely waking up from the sound of me crying.

   Much to my surprise, no one even heard. Or, if they had heard, they didn't care. No one bothered to knock on the door, checking to see if I was okay.

Jay's POV

   I woke up, drenched in my own sweat. I flew upward out of the bed, pulling at my shirt to try and cool my body down. I just woke up from a nightmare. The last time I had one, it was about Erica. That one felt so realistic.

   This one? It was about Erica, again. And it was very realistic. So realistic to the point where I felt deep down in my gut that this may be happening at the moment.

   I checked the clock that was placed on the dresser in the hotel room. It read 4:36am.

   My dream? What was it about?

   Erica. She was hurting. She was in a bathtub, crying her eyes out.

   In my dream, I was frozen.

   I couldn't do anything to help her.

   I felt myself screaming, and trying to run towards her. All I wanted to do was comfort her. She was crying so hard.

   I couldn't move. And when I did try and scream, no tiny sound escaped from my lips. I couldn't speak. I couldn't scream. I couldn't help her.

   The dream was so random.

   It made me wonder.

   Why was she in a bathtub? Why did it look just like my hotel room? Why was she crying so hard? What caused her to do so?

   I had to do something. Now that I'm awake, I needed to take matters into my own hands. I need to make sure she is alright. What if my dream is actually happening right now? I have to move, and go help her. Because if it is actually happening, I need to be there for her.

   I bolted out of my hotel room, not wanting to waste any time. I had to make sure she is okay. Erica needs to be alright.

   Running down the hallway, it was completely silent. Probably because everyone is knocked out right now, asleep.

   I stopped at the familiar door, always remembering which one was her's. Before doing anything, I paused, and held my ear up to the door. I heard crying. Erica needs me. Why isn't her family waking up and helping her?

   I remembered. My pockets. I always had a spare key in there for her room. I don't even really know why, but right now, I'm very thankful for it.

   Unlocking the door, I didn't want to wake up her parents, so I continued on silently. I listened to see where the crying noise was coming from, and it sounded like it was from the bathroom. If she ends up to be crying in the bathtub, then that means my dream was right.

   Without hesitation, I opened the bathroom door, knowing Erica was not okay. She looked up at me, with tears in her eyes.

   "Jay?" Erica said, her voice cracking.

   "What's wrong?" I said, running over to her and taking her into my arms.

   "I had a bad dream. It kept replaying over in my head. I wanted it to stop, but nothing worked. So I just came in here," Erica explained, choking on her own words.

   "It's okay, you're okay," I said, trying to be as comforting as possible.

   "Wait. How did you know I was here?" Erica asked.
"Isn't it like 4 am, too?"

   "That's the weird part. I had a dream about you sitting in a bathtub, crying. I noticed that it looked like a hotel room bathroom, so I decided to come and check up on you. I woke up, because it stressed me out that I couldn't help you. And, yes, it's about 4:45am now," I replied.

   "That is so weird," Erica said, taking the words right out of my mouth. "I'm glad you came, though. Thank you."

   "I wasn't just going to leave you here!" I exclaimed, laughing at her slightly for ever thinking I wouldn't come.

   "Maybe it's like relationship telepathy?" Erica suggested, laughing at the strange- sounding idea.

   We sat there together, in the bathtub. I held her in my arms and we just remained quiet for a couple minutes. Her tears dried, and her normal resting- smile returned back to her face.

   Two kids, sitting in a bathtub, at 4 am. What a start to a crazy day. Tonight's the finale, too. I can't wait.


Guys this was honestly really bad and it was pretty much just a filler but I wanted to get an update out. I'm also having really bad writers block and it's been driving me crazy. I'm sorry if the book hasn't been very interesting :/ But hopefully the next updates will be more exciting :)

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