Twenty Nine- Erica

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Erica's POV

   I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock beeping. Michael had set it when he came back to the room last night, seeing that I had fallen asleep on the bed already.

   I smiled at the thought of last night. One of the best days of my life, for sure! It was so much fun, I can't even begin to explain it.

Unfortunately, it was time to leave now. I got up, and headed straight to the bathroom to get ready. It was 6:00am, and we had to leave the hotel at 7:00. I never really understood why you always had to get to airports so early. Our hotel was right by the airport, too.

I brushed my hair and teeth, then got out my mascara and lip balm to put on. Afterwards, I reluctantly changed out of my comfortable sleep wear and into my last clean outfit. It was just a while v-neck shirt with a pair of light wash skinny jeans.

When I got out of the bathroom, I expected to see Michael and my mom still sleeping. It was early. But, much to my surprise, they were sitting on the bed waiting for me. I ran up to them and gave the both of them a big hug.

"Bye, Mom! I will miss you like crazy," I said. After pulling away, I faced Michael.

"I know I basically gave you a giant speech yesterday, so I am just going to make this short. I love you! Thank you for everything that you have done for me while I was here in Los Angeles," I said.

Michael gave me a kiss on the forehead and hugged me. He murmured a quiet 'bye' and I grabbed my suitcase. I was supposed to meet the rest of my family in their room.

"Alright, love you both. See you soon," I said one last time.

And I was out the door. A few tears flew down my face, but I wiped them away. Enough crying already! I already cried so much yesterday.

I knocked on my dad and siblings' room and they opened the door shortly after.

"All set?" My dad asked. I nodded in response and waved hi to Patrick, Brendan, and Kaitlyn.

The four of us all walked out to the lobby and into the shuttle bus waiting to take us to the airport.

The car ride was really silent. For one, Kaitlyn was still basically asleep, and Patrick and Brendan were just so sad to leave Michael. I was a combination of both.

A couple of other families joined us in the shuttle bus, and that made things less awkwardly silent. They all conversed among themselves which was nice because I didn't like it when it was so quiet. It made things feel weird.

When we finally got to the airport (our hotel was so close so I have no idea how it took that long!) we all retrieved our luggage from the trunk of the shuttle and my dad paid the driver. The long airport process that I dreaded was coming up.

We went through the numerous lines and checked in our bags and had to walk through the metal detector. Those always worry me just because I would be embarrassed if the alarm went off after I walked through. Imagine that; like if an earring or something had triggered it and now everyone would be staring at me.

All I wanted was to get in and sit at our gate and eat something. We did not have time to get breakfast or anything, so I was pretty hungry. I didn't even really eat dinner last night, either.

Finally, we got to the gate. There was a Starbucks right by it, so Kaitlyn and I waited in line to get some food for us and our other hungry siblings and coffee for my dad.

The line wasn't that long, as it was still pretty early. It honestly surprised me how fast the line moved, as usually every Starbucks located in an airport was fully packed.

I got myself a blueberry muffin and ate it in record timing. I was so hungry, I couldn't help it. I also stole a bite of Kaitlyn's sandwich when she got up to give the others their orders. We only had a few minutes before we would be called to begin boarding the plane.

   The very little time we had left went by fast and we boarded the airplane and got our seats. I sat in the window seat next to Kaitlyn. Our seating arrangements were just like our flight to Los Angeles.

   I quickly snapped a photo and sent it to my streaks and then texted Michael, Mom, Jay, Molly, and Presley to let them know that we had gotten on the plane. They all told me to text them before the flight and after to make sure I made it out alive.

   Then, as directed by the flight attendant, I had to turn my phone on airplane mode. I wasn't 100% sure why we had to do this, especially since they had WiFi on this flight. Nonetheless, I plugged in my earbuds and listened to music. I had found all of the Boy Band performances on SoundCloud, so I listened to those. I loved all of them, and it made me miss the boys less.

   Although I had already turned on airplane mode, I saw that I had one unread text message. I clicked the app to see who it was from.

Erica: Just boarded the plane, will text you when I get off ☺️❤️
Jay: Alright. Have a safe flight. I love you 💘

   I smiled to myself and clicked my phone screen off. I hummed slightly along to the songs that were playing, and fell asleep as I always do during flights.


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