Thirty Four- Erica

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Erica's POV

It was the next day, and I woke up around 11:00am. It was nice to be able to sleep in again. Jet lag never really bothered me, as I seemed to always be able to adjust to time differences. I never really knew why my body worked like this, but I mean, hey, I wasn't complaining. It was a pretty cool trait to have.

I instantly checked my phone. The first thing I did every single morning. Unless I was in Los Angeles and had to rush to get ready. Aka almost every day I spent there was like that. It was nice to be home and get to sleep in on my comfy bed.

   I had a lot of Instagram notifications, so I checked that first. I then realized that it was because Presley had tagged me in a photo.

presleykperez a picture at the pier in honor of the two girls I know that love the pier the most 🌊tagged: ericasm1th kaitlynsm1th

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presleykperez a picture at the pier in honor of the two girls I know that love the pier the most 🌊
tagged: ericasm1th kaitlynsm1th

username1 PRESLEY 😍😍
username2 you are so pretty
username3 Tell Chance I love him
kaitlynsm1th aw love you. miss u already 💙
username4 i want to be part of this squad so bad
molly_k_g__ Presley you're so gorgeous! 💓
chanceperez aw that's my little sis
username5 CUTIE
username6 HOW ARE U ONLY 15?
username7 I love this photo!
bradytutton 😊
username9 oh^
patrickbmoc what about me?
username10 idk, Erica and Kaitlyn do love the pier... sorry patrickbmoc
ericasm1th you are so pretty! miss you & love you lots!! 💘💘💘

   It made me so happy to think that I had such great friends. Presley was like a second big sister to me, and she was always there if I needed to talk. She was like my therapist, but better. I'm so thankful to have a friend like her, and I can't believe she actually dedicated a post to me! Well, and Kaitlyn, too. But for me? Wow!

   Next, I checked my text messages. It was around 8:10 in the morning over in Los Angeles, since it was 11:10am here. However, Jay was already awake and already sent me a text.

Jay: Good morning cutie. Have a good day ❤️
Erica: Morning! I just woke up 😂
Jay: Haha, I woke up early to go to Denny's with the guys before I have to fly back home.
Erica: Sounds fun. What time is your flight?
Jay: Ummmm give me a sec
Erica: Okay...
Jay: Sorry, just had to go ask my mom 😂
Erica: Wow you really are fourteen
Jay: Hey! Everyone says I look 18
Erica: You do. Some fans were talking about how you are secretly an 18 year old British man.
Jay: Wow. That's crazy 😂 My flight is at 10am btw
Erica: I see. TeXt mE wHEN yOU LaND!!1!
Jay: Hey, don't mimic me.
Erica: But that's exactly what u did...
Jay: I had a nightmare and you died in it and I thought it was real so do you really blame me?
Erica: Point taken 😂

   Right after I sent that text message, my door was opened. I looked up, to see Patrick standing there.

   "Erica, we are going out to lunch at 12:00, so you should start getting ready," Patrick said.

   "Alright. Thanks Patrick," I said as he went back out of my room, closing the door behind him. I got out from my warm bed and walked over to my closet to choose an outfit. It was going to be warm today, but not too warm. So, I picked out a plain tee and some light wash skinny jeans. I sat myself back down in the chair in front of my vanity. Pulling out my makeup bag from the first drawer, I took out the essentials that I used every day. Mascara, eyelash curler, Chapstick, and today I decided to wear a little bit of concealer. I don't usually wear concealer, but going on airplanes usually made my skin freak out and, in return, I would get a pimple.

   I didn't take a long time at all to finish up my routine. I only needed to cover up that one pesky pimple, do my eyelashes, and apply some quick lip balm for my chapped lips. After realizing that I still hadn't brushed my hair or teeth, I left my room and headed for the bathroom. However, it was currently occupied by Kaitlyn, as she had her lifeguard shift early this morning and had to take a shower. She was blow drying her hair at the moment, hence the super loud noise it was making. I knew she wouldn't mind me intruding, so I opened the door without knocking.

   "Hey, Erica. Sorry," Kaitlyn said as she turned her blow dryer off to speak. "I'm almost done."

   "Oh, you're totally fine. I just needed to brush my teeth," I replied, and Kaitlyn scooted over from where she was drying her hair so that I could have access to my sink. I thanked her silently with a nod, and she did the same back before continuing on with her hair.

   After brushing my teeth, I headed back into my room with my hair brush in hand. My hair was super knotty, as usual. I had to brush it with a lot of force before it was all untangled again. By the time I was finished, It was 11:55. But everyone else was ready to go, so we decided to leave now.

   My dad went down the usual streets in which we always took to drive to our favorite restaurant to have lunch at. It was a small local place. I have never seen one anywhere besides here in Shaker Heights. Not even anywhere else in Cleveland. It was lucky, however, that we got the rarest of the rare right in our own town. And we loved this place.

   When we arrived, I sent Michael a Snapchat of the outside with the caption, 'Wish you were here! :)' and it delivered instantly, due to my phone already being connected to their WiFi. We were seated at a booth in the back, and I didn't even bother opening my menu. I always ordered grilled cheese here. You may think that there's nothing special about grilled cheese, but that's the thing. It's only special here. It is made with the best tasting ingredients I have ever tasted before. The bread that they use is extremely soft and rich. The cheese is unlike any other that I've tried.

   Michael snapped me back. It was a silly selfie of him pouting about the fact that he isn't here with us. I sent him back a photo of me smiling, because that is exactly what his Snapchat made me do. Michael always had the power to make me smile. He was truly a great big brother. Even if I didn't want to admit it sometimes.

   The rest of the day was pretty uneventful, but we didn't do much in Cleveland. Just the ordinary, everyday activities. After we finished up lunch, we went to the local park because Patrick really wanted to play basketball. He told us that he was training to be able to 1v1 Michael and beat him. So, we all agreed to help him out and give him pointers. To be honest, when I was there, I didn't do much. I wasn't really into sports. I never really was. The closest thing I ever did to playing a sport was when I was younger and did dance.

   We went home and ate dinner after hanging out at the park for hours. Although I did get plenty of sleep last night, I was still tired and was ready to go to sleep right away. But before I could get the chance to hit the hay, Jay FaceTimed me.


This chapter was honestly so bad but it was really long so I hope you still enjoyed. It was just a filler pretty much. I promise that next chapter will actually have a purpose 😂 Thank you guys for continuing to read my story. It means the world :) If you read this, comment your favorite episode of Boy Band! Mine was either the Movie Night theme or Throwback Hits week.

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