Fifty- Erica

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Erica's POV

The girls and I had all planned to meet at Presley's hotel room at exactly five o'clock. I was really excited to finally see everyone. I changed into a comfier outfit, as we planned to stay in for the night. I didn't care too much about my appearance when I was just with all of them. That's something I really liked whenever I was around them.

   It was currently 4:30, and I had just waken up from my nap. Yes, I got back to the hotel after a very eventful date and the first thing I do is take a nap. Otherwise, I would be the first one to fall asleep tonight at the sleepover and that would probably result in a prank.

   I brushed my knotty hair out, since it had messed itself up during my slumber. However, I really just didn't want to deal with my hair right now, so I threw it up into a big messy bun.

   Presley's room was on the same floor as my room, so there really was no use in leaving early unless I was planning to walk extremely slowly. Therefore, I sat on my bed, going through my social media.

   After I launched the Instagram app, I went to my profile and noticed something. I hit 1,000 followers! It was really exciting for me, because out of all my siblings, I was the in Michael's live streams and social media postings the least. This resulted in so many fans not knowing I even exist. But it's fine, really. At least 1,000 of them know I exist!

   By the time I finished up looking through my phone, it was time to be on my way to Presley's room. Kaitlyn was in the bathroom, fixing up her hair before we would walk there together. My dad, Brendan, and Patrick were in the room watching Netflix altogether.

   Once Kaitlyn got out of the bathroom, we said goodbye to our dad and brothers and went out the door. I was so excited to see everyone once again. I know that's really the only thing I've been thinking about, besides Jay, but I couldn't help it. I missed them all so much. Except for Kaitlyn, obviously.

   I practically ran up to her door, knocking very aggressively. I probably disturbed some of the people on this floor, but oh well. Sorry if I'm excited.

   "PRESLEY!" I screamed, right on cue when she opened the door. I jumped and gave her a hug. Luckily, she caught me and didn't drop me. I definitely didn't want a broken butt or anything. That would not be good.

   "Erica! Kaitlyn! I missed you both so much!" Presley exclaimed. She was always so nice.

   We went inside of her room, and she shut the door behind us. Everyone else was already here. Surprisingly, we were the last to arrive. Usually, I was pretty punctual. Well, I would just have to blame this on Kaitlyn. I was waiting on her after all.

   "Jade! Molly! Hey, guys!" I yelled, running up to them and engulfing them in gigantic hugs. Giant hugs were my specialty.

   "Hey, Erica! I've missed seeing you!" Jade said.

   "Erica!" Molly screamed back.

   I let go of them, letting Kaitlyn greet them. I took this spare time as an opportunity to examine the room. It was bigger than the normal ones, as Presley had told us. It was really nice, too. I think it's one of the suites. Otherwise, it's just an extra large, extra special room.

   We all got into the beds and Presley put on High School Musical for us. We planned this out ahead of time. We picked out the movies we wanted to watch and what food we wanted to order. After lots of disagreeing about dinner, we finally settled on pizza. I'm glad we got that decision over with ahead of time, because it took a while to just do it over text. Who knows how long we'd be arguing if it was in person.

   Presley's mom called the pizza place and ordered it for us, and of course I thanked her immediately after she did so. Jade brought bags of popcorn she had popped in her room for all of us to eat during the movie. It was a basic, but still very fun, girls night. We watched all three High School Musical movies, ate snacks and pizza, and talked about girly things.

   One of those girly things, was actually today's date with Jay.

   "You guys kissed the whole car ride back to the hotel?" Jade asked, in shock.

   "Not like that, we just occasionally exchanged pecks on the lips," I explained.

   "This is weird but only because it's my brother," Molly laughed. We all laughed at her comment. Hey, it's not my fault her family was so great.

   Jade was talking about how excited she was for homecoming this school year, and it sounded really cool.

   "It's basically the only thing I look forward to, and the only reason why I want school to actually start," Jade explained, laughing about her hatred of actual school. We all could definitely relate, and it made us laugh, too.

   "I think I'm going to skip homecoming this year," Presley said. We all looked at her in shock.

   "Why?" Kaitlyn questioned.

   "I don't know," Presley admitted. "I just didn't think it was that great last year. I mean, I'm sure it's absolutely amazing at your guys' schools, but it's not that fun at mine. I wish they coordinated it better."

   "Oh. That sucks, I'm sorry," Molly said. "I'm excited to start sixth grade!"

   "Woah, I always forget you're eleven years old," Jade said. "You're so pretty and mature for your age. It messes me up."

   "Not to mention, she's super tall for her age," Presley added. Kaitlyn and I nodded in agreement.

   "But I mean, Jay is the same way. We both look old for our ages and taller," Molly stated. She was definitely used to being told that.

   The night was all so much fun. Presley's mom slept in Chance's room, so that we wouldn't keep her awake, nor would we have to go to bed early. We blasted music, but not too loudly. Although Shawnee was not in the room, we still had neighbors that could easily get us kicked out of the hotel. We definitely didn't want that to happen. That'd ruin everything and make the sleepover a complete failure.

   Prior to today, we all threw in our favorite songs, especially fun throwback jams, and Kaitlyn compiled it all into one playlist. Of course, this was the playlist we were currently jamming out to. We were dancing on top of the beds and singing along very poorly. It was so funny, and really entertaining.

   The night soon came to an end. Well, not really night. It was 2:00am when we decided to settle down and get ready to actually get some sleep. It had only been a few hours, but I already had so much fun with them all. I couldn't wait for tomorrow.


Hey guys. I just wanted to say thank you so much for getting my first chapter to over 1k reads. It's (obviously) my most read chapter, and I'm very thankful for any readers who have stuck with me and continued reading my book after the first chapter. Y'all are real ones. :)

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