Twenty Six- Erica

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Erica's POV

   I wasn't exactly sure who the opener of the show was, but I still enjoyed their performance. One by one, the groups performed. I liked all of them.

   Michael's group was him, Brady, Jaden, and Andrew Bloom. They sang "Since You've Been Gone," by Kelly Clarkson. I really enjoyed it. And, not trying to be biased or anything, but I thought Michael sang amazingly.

   The next group consisted of Drew, Chance, and Devin. They were the first trio to perform on the show. Next week, there would be all trios. They also did really great. They sang, "Without You," and they danced well, too.

   Finally, Jay's group was absolutely my favorite. No shade to my brother, or the other boys, but their performance was so much fun and so good. He, Mikey, Sergio, and Marcus killed it. They sang so good together and in each of their solo parts of the song.

   What worried me the most, is that the judges made negative comments only towards three people, and I knew that it could only mean those three were  at the bottom this week. The worst part? One of them was Jay. Nick Carter seems to shut him down and destroy his confidence bit by bit, every single week. He gives him the same exact critiques and expects him to know exactly how to fix it. Maybe he should try and help him, since that seems like the only thing he notices.

   Along with Jay, Andrew Bloom and Devin Hayes received negative comments. In my opinion, all of them did well. But I knew that everyone was so talented that it was going to end up being a really tough decision for the judges.

   Although I already knew that they were going to put Jay up for elimination, I didn't want to bring it up. Especially since I was standing right next to Molly. Oh no. Molly is going to be absolutely heartbroken. She is Jay's biggest fan/ supporter, and I know it will crush her to see him at the bottom again.

   After Rita announced that it was going to be a commercial break, the girls and I got back to talking. Once the break was over, the judges were to reveal who was in the bottom three. I instantly took the time now to open a ton of private tabs to get ready to vote and save someone. If my guess was correct, I would have to vote tons for Jay. I couldn't bear seeing him leave the competition.

   Kaitlyn, Presley, and Molly all did the same on their phones. We all loved each and every one of the boys, and couldn't stand there without helping by voting. But we still have yet to find out who was in the bottom.

   The classic Boy Band music/ mini theme song started playing and we all knew that the commercial break had come to an end. The boys all stood on stage, looking nervous as ever. I felt so bad for them. I wish I could be up there to make things less scary.

   Rita talked for a bit, before going to the judges. I immediately felt myself sweating. Not to sound gross, or anything, but that's just what happened. I knew what was going to happen, whether I liked it or not.

   The judges took their sweet time, as usual. The suspense was killing everyone. Including the girls and me. We were all holding hands, bracing ourselves to hear who's name would be called.

   I looked over at Molly, and she was shaking. She was a smart girl. She probably knew what was coming, too. The judges made it pretty obvious when they only critiqued three boys.

   Emma revealed the first boy up for elimination, and it was Andrew Bloom. I knew it. Next, after lots of waiting, Timbaland finally spat out that Devin was up, too. Lastly, they went to Nick. Of course, they had him say it. He loved bringing Jay down. What a snake.

   "Nick, who is the third and final boy up for elimination tonight?" Rita asked.

   Nick sat there at the judges panel for what felt like forever. Hurry up, already. Gosh, why did the judges have to do this to us. Too much suspense.

   "JHype," he said.

   Molly let go of my hand, choking up right away. I pulled her into my side and hugged her. I felt so bad. But, I, too was sad. Jay was my... boyfriend? I honestly still don't know, but right now I wish time could stop and only Jay and I could be unfrozen together. I just wanted to be with him right now.

All the boys hugged the bottom three and went back to the dugout. I could feel everyone's tension throughout the whole entire room. This was definitely NOT the fun part of the show.

Rita did the usual, explained how to vote for the guys and what number to text. After that, the commercial break began. We can do this, we can all save Jay.

But Molly.

"Molly, look at me. You have to be strong right now. We can do this. We can vote for Jay. Every vote counts. But you've got to help," I said. She was already in tears.

"O-okay," she choked out.

The girls and I all got our phones out and began voting. I felt my thumbs tapping so fast, it was almost like they weren't real. But, we needed more support. I closed the browser and opened up Instagram. I had a decent amount of followers, so I posted on my story telling everyone to vote for Jay. It felt wrong, because Bloom and Devin were always so nice and talented, too. But, we really just needed help for Jay right now.

After posting, I went back to tapping my heart out on votes. Please. Please. Please. This has to work.

The break was over. I don't even know how, it felt like 30 seconds at the most. How could the break go by that fast? The voting was closed and we couldn't do anything more. We just had to hope what we did was enough.

I held Molly's hand for support. We both needed it right now. I mean, they're about to announce who's eliminated! That is highly stressful.

Rita went on about how she had the name of the first person going home on her little card. I was getting antsy all over again. Like always. Stress. Anxiousness. Nerves. Worry. All these feelings overcame me and took over.

"The first boy leaving this competition is..." Rita said. I squeezed Molly's hand so tightly.

"...Andrew Bloom," she finished.

Now, Jay could either be saved or Devin could. I really didn't want to find out at this point. I was so worried.

"Next, in my hand, I have the name of the boy America saved," Rita announced. If only this wasn't a double elimination, then Jay would be safe and sound.

"The boy America saved and is staying in this competition is... Devin."


:( Honestly this chapter makes me so sad. I remember watching this episode and crying my eyes out. Zero shame.

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