Forty Six- Erica

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Erica's POV

   On Friday, I spent the entire day basically on my phone. But it's okay, because I was voting for Michael. Voting was only open for a certain amount of time, so I needed to make sure that I was doing as much as I could to help Michael get in this band.

   I continuously opened up new tabs under the private browsing setting. That way, I could really get an unlimited number of votes. I voted and voted and voted. To the point where I thought my thumbs would fall off.

   However, after voting closed, the rest of the week seemed to move along so slowly. I wanted it to be Monday already, so that I could be in Los Angeles with Michael, my mom, and see all my friends. I was also so eager to find out who made the band. But, I'd have to wait until Thursday for that. I was so nervous and excited.

Throughout the weekend, the girls and I texted about what we were planning to do while we hung out. The sleepover plan on Tuesday was official, and we just needed to think of things to do on Wednesday and during the day on Thursday before the show. We knew the basics, like where we were going to eat and that we all wanted to go do something fun. But, we were all just unsure of all the specifics.

Molly, Kaitlyn, and I planned to hang out a little on Monday. Not for the whole day, though. We needed some time to hang out with Michael and our mom, too. Plus, we'd be spending lots of time with Molly on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

Presley even told us that her mom upgraded their room so that it was a little roomier to fit all of us. I mean, five girls will probably be a handful, so having a big room would make things more convenient. We all felt bad that it costed her mom more money, but Shawnee insisted that it was no trouble and for us to not worry about it.

   It was now Sunday, and I was sitting in front of my closet, wondering what outfits to bring. I knew I wanted to bring all of my favorite clothing pieces, and also ones that were simple, yet universal, so that I could mix and match and build more outfits out of fewer clothes.

After I got my bags packed, I received a text from Michael.

Michael: Just letting you know that when you get here on Monday, we're all going to hang out (me, you, Kaitlyn, Patrick, Brendan, Mom, Dad) 👍🏻
Erica: Okay! Can't wait 🙌🏻
Michael: See you soon 💙
Erica: Love ya !!

   I heard Patrick rummaging around a lot in his room, so I went over there to figure out what all the fuss was about.

   "Patrick!" I said. "What are you doing?"

   Patrick was sitting in the very center point of his room, surrounded by piles and piles of his clothes. What in the world happened here? It was so messy.

   "I can't decide what clothes to bring! I want Michael and his friends to know how cool I am!" He explained. I couldn't help but laugh at this. Not in a mean way, but like in a way where I thought that was so cute of him.

   "Here, I'll help you!" I said, jumping over the pile of clothes into the middle of the room and sitting beside him.

   Right as I took a seat next to Patrick, Kaitlyn passed by his room, retracing her steps so that she was in front of the door again.

   "What happened in here?" Kaitlyn asked, clearly alarmed by the huge mess.

   "Patrick wants to pack clothes that will make Michael and his friends think that he is cool. I said I'd help him. Can you help, too?" I told Kaitlyn.

   "No, I don't need them to think that I'm cool. I need them all to know how cool I am. There's a big difference, Erica!" Patrick explained.

   "Alright, you definitely need our help," Kaitlyn said, referring to herself and me.

   We sat there for a solid hour, picking through all the clothes. I have no idea how Patrick managed to have all these clothes. It seemed like more than mine and Kaitlyn's combined. But luckily, we were able to pick out some "cool" outfits for Patrick to wear in Los Angeles, and he thanked the both of us for our help.

We were leaving early tomorrow morning. I wasn't looking forward to waking up at 5am, but it was all worth it in the end. I'd get to see my brother and mom, plus my friends. This Los Angeles trip was definitely going to be one for the books.

I was also getting really antsy, hoping and hoping that Michael made it into the band. I hope I did enough to help him get a lot of votes. I know he is very talented and could probably make the band without any of my help, but I did not want to take any chances. So of course I had to do my fair share of voting.

I had dinner already, prior to packing my bags and helping Patrick. So, I just needed to get myself ready for bed. I wanted to get in bed a little early tonight so that I could get enough rest before I'd have to wake up at 5am tomorrow.

I told myself that I could check my phone one last time before going to sleep. Much to my surprise, I had multiple unread text messages. People didn't usually need to contact me this badly.

Jay: Hey! Can't wait to see you tomorrow 😊❤️
Jay: Hello??
Jay: Are you mad at me? 🤔
Jay: Are you okay??
Jay: I hope you aren't ignoring me...

I didn't know why Jay was so worried when I didn't reply directly after when he texted me.

Erica: Hey. Sorry I couldn't text you back. I was busy packing up my stuff and getting ready to leave tomorrow. I'm not mad at you, don't worry ☺️

Right after I sent that text, I looked through my other texts.


Clearly, Molly didn't jump to conclusions like her brother did when I didn't answer.

Erica: IKR! I'm so stoked 🙌🏻 But I forgot to tell you. Michael and my mom already made plans for the family tomorrow, so we won't be able to hang as much tomorrow as we originally thought. Sorry 😕
Molly: Oh that's okay! I understand 👍🏻 You saw me more recently than you saw Michael and your mom, so I get it 😊
Erica: Thanks 💓 I'm sure we can hang out probably afterwards :)
Molly: Looking forward to it 🙏🏼
Erica: Me too 👍🏻

Finally, Jay replied to my response.

Jay: Oh okay. Just making sure you were 1. okay and 2. not going to break up with me 😂
Erica: Haha I would never 🙌🏻 Sorry I didn't get the chance to text you today :(
Jay: You're all good. At least I get to see your pretty face in person tomorrow 😌
Erica: 😂 what time are you going to get to LA?
Jay: I think around noon. You?
Erica: Our flight is at 6:30am, so we'll get there around noon as well 👍🏻
Jay: Dang that's early. Get some sleep. Goodnight love 💙
Erica: Love you tons 💘
Jay: Right back at you ❤️

Feeling as happy as I could ever be, I shut my phone off, and fell asleep. My mind was immediately filled with good dreams.


Guys omg I'm so sorry for the delay with this update! It's been four whole days since I last updated and I'm so so so sorry. School has kept me super busy but hopefully with the weekend coming up, I'll have some free time to continuously work on updating. :)

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