Sixteen- Jay

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Jay's POV

We finished taking photos, and boy, Erica was so gorgeous. She could literally be a model. I knew all her photos turned out amazing, mostly because she was in all of them, and she could turn anything into something great.

I told her there was another part to our date, and she got excited. I loved when she got excited. I could see it in her eyes. They lit up and sparkled in a certain way that I've never seen in another person before. I saw it during the car ride to Downtown, and when I came to pick her up.

I called up the uber driver and told him to take us to a restaurant I had researched online. It was called Urth Caffe, and it was really trendy on the internet. I think Erica will really like it! I made sure it was open for dinner, and it was. That would be a disaster if it closed! Erica wasn't a very picky eater, from what I've seen so far. So, I'm just praying that she likes it.

Plus, the restaurant was only a few minutes worth of a drive away from where we currently were. It was in Downtown Los Angeles, but just in a different area.

The uber driver arrived shortly, and Erica and I sat together in the back. She leaned on my shoulder, and I thought it was the absolute cutest thing ever. I was really growing fond of Erica. I just hope she likes me, too.

"Did you like the first stop?" I asked.

"Yes! It was great! There isn't anything like it back in Cleveland, so it was really cool to actually see such cool walls. I remember always seeing them on Instagram models' pages and thinking about how awesome they all looked." Erica beamed. It was so cute. "Thank you so so so much for bringing me here. It was absolutely amazing."

"Of course! I've never been to anything like this either. And I wanted my first experience to be with you!" I said. Relief flew over me as I was so happy that she enjoyed it.

She smiled back at me. I loved her smile. Her smile could make anyone happy on one of their worst days. Her smile could light up an entire room.

Urth Caffe was a short drive away, so we arrived without being in the car for very long. I was a little nervous that Erica wouldn't like it, so when I opened the door for her, I cautiously studied her face.

She did it again. Her face and eyes lit up. Score! I knew this would be a great place to take her.

"Oh my god, Jay! I've seen this place all over Instagram! It looks amazing!" Erica said with the brightest smile you could ever see.

"I'm glad you like it, let's go inside now!" I said, leading her to the front.

It wasn't too crowded, as most people came here earlier. So, we were seated without having to wait at all. We both looked at the menu for a couple minutes before deciding what we were going to order.

"Do you want to share one of the pizzas? I read some reviews and a lot of customers had said that the pizzas here are really good. And, they mentioned that they are nothing like fast food pizzas. The real deal." I said to Erica, looking up from my menu.

"How could I ever say no to pizza? I love pizza!" Erica exclaimed. And yet another thing I loved about her. Love? Maybe.

We decided on a pizza and ordered when the waitress came. Erica ordered a Sprite for a drink and I asked for a coke.

"How was your day, Erica?" I asked, with a hint of cheesiness in my voice.

"It was really fun actually. Michael made me wake up early to go to breakfast with the rest of my siblings at Denny's. It was nice having all of us there, because it's been really hard finding a time to meet when Michael didn't have rehearsals or had to go learn choreography. Then a little bit after Michael had to leave, Kaitlyn and Molly both insisted on helping me get ready. But it ended up being fun and I was glad to see Molly. And everything you've planned has been amazing so far. I've enjoyed every moment of it. Thank you," Erica explained.

"Of course. I only wanted today to be as special as possible, so I'm really glad you like what I planned," I told her.

Our pizza came out, and it wasn't a giant one, so we easily both finished it together. A few days ago, I found a quote that said a couple that eats together, stays together. And that quote really came to mind at this moment.

I finished my half of the pizza before Erica did. I took this as an opportunity to look at her more. It may sound creepy, but whenever I looked at her, I couldn't help but smile. So I really did enjoy her presence.

Erica is perfect. Honestly. The way her hair falls effortlessly in front of her face, but not covering it completely. The way her eyes sparkle under the sun and how they light up when she gets excited. And the way her freckles are perfectly aligned. Everything about her is perfect. She is beautiful.

"What? Do I have something on my face?" Erica asked, looking genuinely concerned. I guess she saw me staring.

"Nothing but beauty," I said. Nice one Jay.

Then I got to see it again. Her blushing. One of my favorite things about her. I loved seeing her blush. And if being a cheesy boyfriend and saying stuff like that was the only way to make her blush, so be it. I'll be preparing a list of pick up lines to throw her way.

She finished shortly, and the night was going great. We sat at our table and talked endlessly. She told me lots about herself, and I learned something things about her that I have never gotten to discover. I opened up to her, too.

I told her about how I didn't think I had what it takes to make the boy band, because of how I am mainly a beat boxer, and my vocals aren't as spectacular as everyone else left in the competition.

"Don't say that! And don't doubt yourself either. If you happen to not make the boy band, that doesn't mean you aren't amazing. You'll make it big either way, and I will always be here along the way," Erica reassured me. What she had said made me feel so much better about the show.

The night was coming to an end, as it was 7:45 now. But, I still had one last thing planned...


This was by far my longest chapter. I had over 1100 words and the majority of my chapters are about 900 words. I couldn't stop adding on to the story, but I finally found what I think is a good stopping point that will be a good transition into the next update! :) I hope you all enjoyed me double updating today, I've been updating twice for the past few days now, and hopefully I can do the same for the days coming ahead. If you read all of this, comment your favorite part in "Eyes Closed!" I'm a Michael girl, so of course my favorite part is Michael's rap. But I do also really like Chance's starting verse. But honestly I just love the whole song so I can't even decide! :)

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