Thirty Six- Erica

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Erica's POV

I set my alarm last night to wake me up at 8:00am. I needed plenty of time to get myself decent looking, finish up the last bit of packing I needed to do, and get to the airport in time.

   Heading straight to the bathroom, I went to brush my teeth. Morning breath? Big no no. I definitely don't want to scare the Gilberts out of their own home with my bad breath.

   Next came brushing my hair, which I did pretty fast because it wasn't too knotty today. My hair was working in my favor right now! For once...

   I walked back to my room and sat down in front of my vanity, opening the top drawer containing my daily makeup products. I pulled out mascara, an eyelash curler, Chapstick, and some concealer. I didn't want to have bags if I couldn't sleep on the plane.

   After finishing my makeup, I grabbed the bag that had everything I used on the daily inside of it. I placed that in my suitcase in the spot I already had left open for it.

   Remembering that I forgot my tooth brush, I raced back into the bathroom to collect it and my tooth brush container. You may be thinking, what is a tooth brush container and why do I have one? Well, I only use it when traveling... I'm not having my tooth brush out in the open!

   Now, I was done with packing. And almost finished getting ready. I still needed to change my clothes. So, I walked over to my closet door and pulled out the outfit I picked out yesterday. I mentally patted myself on the back for doing so, otherwise I would've taken way too long trying to decide what to wear.

   It was 9:15 now, and my siblings were all still asleep. They knew I was leaving, because Dad told them. Patrick was mad that Jay didn't invite him to stay, but he got over it within about five minutes.

   I smelled food downstairs, so I took my suitcase and myself and walked down. My dad was in the kitchen making me some chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast. My favorite.

   "Hi Erica!" My dad said. "Are you all packed up and ready to go?"

   "Yes, I've got all my stuff in here," I said, motioning to the suitcase I was holding on to. "And I just finished getting ready."

   "Good job! If it was Kaitlyn, she would still be asleep by this time. If it was Patrick or Brendan, I would need to pack their whole suitcase for them," Dad said, chuckling at the end.

   He then handed me a plate with a few mini chocolate chip pancakes and some fruit on the side. I was very appreciative of this, because airport food isn't always the best. Plus, it can get really expensive. I needed to save my money for when I actually get to Las Vegas. I definitely did not want to have to keep asking the Gilberts for money and then have to repay them a large amount later on.

   I finished up eating, and my dad handed me my ticket, and some money. I thanked him and put both of those things into my small purse that I was taking with me. My essentials were in there, like my phone, money, earbuds, portable charger, Chapstick, and my plane ticket. Nothing too much or too fancy at all.

   My phone buzzed, and I took it out of my purse to check what the notification was from.

Jay: I woke up really early to send u this. But I'm excited to see you and I hope you have a safe flight!
Erica: Awww you don't need to ruin your sleep schedule for me 😂 But thank you and I'm super excited to see you too!
Jay: Remember. I would do anything for you. Even wake up at 6 in the morning.
Erica: 😂😂 love youuu
Jay: Love you too.

   I finished up my breakfast and drank some water to stay hydrated. That's a joke, actually. I just drank water because I was thirsty, not to "stay hydrated."

   My dad had brought my suitcase already to the car and was waiting for me in the garage. I was nervous to fly by myself but also excited. I didn't need an adult to supervise me. I'm fourteen now.

   Brendan had woken up, so when he came downstairs I hugged him and said goodbye. After that, I went out the door to the garage to meet my dad. We opened the door for me to get into the passenger seat and then we were off.

   On the way to the airport, my dad let me play my music and you already know what I played. All of the Boy Band performances. I would personally like to thank the person who posted them on SoundCloud.

My dad and I sang along the whole way there. I was going to miss my family, but it was only going to be a week. Plus, I see them all the time. Who would pass up an opportunity to go to Las Vegas and stay with the Gilberts?

   When we got to the airport, my dad told me that he would wait with me until my plane starts boarding. I was thankful for that, because having to go through the long lines by myself would get pretty boring.

   The journey to get through to the gate was long, as usual. We waited in a bunch of lines and it took up a lot of time. We finally arrived at the gate around 10:30, so I only had half an hour before my flight. I didn't mind flying, and I actually preferred it over a long car ride. I know some people are actually the opposite, but I don't get sick on planes or anything.

I spent the 30 minutes talking with my dad about some really random topics. We were both going to miss each other a lot, but if we talked about it, we would only get even more sad. Instead, we stayed away from the subject and spoke about casual things.

Finally, the time came to board the plane. I said goodbye to my dad and told him that I would definitely text him when I landed. Jay and the rest of his family was going to wait at the airport for me when I landed. I was getting super excited.

Boarding the plane alone felt a little weird. I have never flew alone before, but I knew it was going to be alright. I got lucky and the lady I was sitting next to offered me the window seat. Of course, I accepted and we switched spots. I did my usual routine while on airplanes; plug in my earbuds, listen to music, and fall asleep.


So sorry that I haven't updated in two days. This past weekend was super busy for me. I will try my best to update tomorrow if I finish up all my homework :) Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Thank you so much for 7K reads! Also thank you to everyone who voted for my chapters!!

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