Forty Eight- Jay

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Jay's POV

We were planning to meet the Smiths for dinner at 7:00pm, and I was really excited. I couldn't wait to see my girl. I couldn't handle being away from her for such long periods of time. I just wish we lived closer together. I'd make us neighbors if I could.

   It was now 6:30, and I was just fixing myself up before my family and I were going to head to the restaurant. I have no idea where we are planning to go, but as long as I get to see Erica, it'll be great.

   I was also looking forward to seeing Michael. I haven't seen him in an even longer time in comparison to me seeing Erica. Michael was definitely one of my best friends. He always made everything fun.

   As for the rest of the Smiths, of course I was pumped to see them, too. Patrick and Brendan were always so fun to be around, and Kaitlyn was always super chill. Michael's parents are also very close with mine, so they're cool, too.

   Molly entered the bathroom, knocking before she did so. She knew I wasn't doing anything like live streaming or something, so she knew to not bother waiting until I told her she could come in. She knew the drill. Plus, she already knew that I was just fixing my hair and such.

   "Mom and Dad says we should be leaving as soon as you're ready. About how long will it be until then?" Molly asked, speaking so formally.

   "I'm ready now," I told her, taking one last glance into the mirror. "Let's go!"

   The four of us piled into my dad's car, which we took when we drove here from Vegas this morning. It was always a lot cheaper to drive to Los Angeles instead of taking an airplane. We always took my dad's car, as he always ended up driving the whole way anyways.

The drive to the restaurant was short and quiet. I was far too excited to say anything and if I did, it would probably end up sounding stupid. We all just pretty much sat there and listened to the music Molly was playing. It was her turn with the aux cord.

We got to our destination before Erica and her family got there. I may or may not have known that by looking at her location on Snapchat. It's fine, it's not weird. Anyways, we got a table large enough to seat both of the families and took a seat down at it.

   I texted Erica, seeing if she and her family are almost here. She didn't reply, but Molly told us that they were 5 minutes away. How did she know that?

   "Wait, she texted you back?" I asked Molly.

   "Yeah, but it was a couple minutes ago. She also told me that her phone was dying and she had 6% left. Don't take it so personally if she doesn't reply to you," Molly said.

   "You're right," I said, nodding my head.

   Molly was so wise sometimes. I always forgot that she is only eleven years old. She is so mature for her age. Plus, the fact that she is around 5'7" now, makes it very hard to remember how young she is.

   The door had little bells connected to it, so we heard the jingles when someone had opened the door. Luckily, it was the Smiths. I couldn't contain my happiness. I jumped right out of my seat and ran up to them. Well, I ran up to Erica, more specifically.

   "I missed you so much," I said, pulling her in for an embrace.

   "Me too. So glad to be here right now," She responded.

   Molly and my parents walked over, greeting everyone. I pulled apart from Erica, letting her see the rest of my family and allowing myself to say hi to the other Smiths.

   "Hey, Patrick! What's up?" I said, kneeling down to hug him.

   "Hi Jay! Nothing much, I'm just here," Patrick said, laughing at his own joke. I chuckled along with him.

   "Brendan! Hey bud!" I said, hugging him as well.

   He was always a little on the quiet side, so he didn't say anything back to me. He just hugged me back.

   "What's up Kaitlyn!" I said, hugging her. You should know the drill by now. I'm hugging everyone at this point.

   "Hey, Jay!" Kaitlyn replied with a big smile.

   "MICHAEL!" I yelled, not caring who shot me dirty looks from inside of the restaurant.

   We ran up to one another and hugged. It was very girly and cheesy, but it's alright. We missed each other a lot, don't blame us.

   Michael told me how much he missed me in a girly tone of voice. It made the both of us burst into laughter. But before we ended our very manly hug, he whispered to me.

   "I'm going to win this for you, okay?" Michael said.

   "I know you will."

   After that, we all headed back to our table. The waiters were all confused as to why there was nobody there, but once we returned it was all fine again. I sat next to Erica and Michael, and Molly was on the other side of Erica.

   We had two waiters since there are so many of us, and they both took our orders. I didn't care about the food right now, so I literally just chose something random. I was just so happy that I am here with Michael and Erica right now. I felt so overjoyed and on cloud nine. I missed both of them so much.

   "Hey, how was your flight?" I asked Erica.

   She gave me all the details. I never realized how much could go on in one single five hour flight. She told me everything, from what movies she watched to what the other passengers were doing that seemed unusual.

   "Wow, well... I'm glad you got here safely," I said, unsure of how to respond to all what she had told me.

We continued on talking about different topics that made their way to the table. Literally. Because everyone at the table was included in the conversation. It was great. I loved having everyone here in one location all together finally. I missed having our families together.

The food came, and I ate whatever I ordered. I couldn't take my eyes off of Erica the whole time. She always looked so amazing, even if she was in the middle of stuffing her face with food. No matter the situation, Erica was always gorgeous, and my attention would forever be drawn to her.

A couple times, she would notice me staring at her, so I would pretend to go back to my food like it was all nothing to worry about. But in reality, once she looked away and carried her attention back to something else, my gaze would follow her once more.

Michael began to talk to me about the show, so I had to stop looking at Erica in order to be engaged in the conversation. I didn't want to seem rude in any way to Michael. He would always be one of my best friends and I wouldn't want to drive him away.

I heard Erica and Molly talking about hanging out with the rest of the sisters tomorrow. It sounded cool, and I honestly wish I could join in on the plans because I just wanted another excuse to be with Erica. But of course, I couldn't intrude. I know Erica missed her girls and she really wanted to see them. We can schedule a date some other time.

I just need to make sure we get to go on one before we both return back to our home towns. I had to come up with a plan, and fast.



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