Eight- Michael & Erica

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Michael's POV

It was the next day, and I woke up around 8. Erica was still asleep and so was my mom, so I decided to get ready and grab Starbucks for us before I had to go to rehearsals. But then I got a text from Jay.

Jay: Bro can I talk to you?
Michael: Go ahead
Jay: I meant in person fool
Michael: I'm going out to grab Starbucks, want to come with and then we can talk?
Jay: Yeah, be there in 5

I met Jay outside and we started heading out to the Starbucks right by our hotel.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Can I ask Erica on a date?"

I was shocked at how straight forward he was. But I knew this was going to happen sooner or later.

"Yeah," I said. "Just don't go breaking her heart."

We continued on to Starbucks and I ordered a drink for my mom, Erica, and me. Jay followed along and got some for his family as well.

Erica's POV

I woke up and noticed Michael wasn't there, but I checked my phone and he had sent me a text.

Michael: Left to get some Starbucks for you and mom. Be back soon.

I went into the bathroom to start getting ready while Michael was still out. Just did the usual, brushed my hair and teeth, changed into a new outfit, and we're good to go.

By the time I was finished, I heard the door open and Michael came into the room. He handed me my drink and I thanked him. My mom woke up shortly after hearing Michael and I talking.

My phone buzzed. And right when it did, Michael said he had to leave for rehearsals and went out the door.

Jay: Hey Erica!
Erica: Hi Jay! What's up?
Jay: Nothing much. My group doesn't have rehearsals until later, do you want to hang out?

I paused. Did he just...? Maybe he means hang out with Molly and him. Either way, I'd be happy to go.

Erica: Sure, what are we going to do?
Jay: We could get breakfast?
Erica: Sounds good! ☺️
Jay: Be at your room in 5

Luckily, I had made the decision of getting ready earlier and am now all set to go. I heard a knock at the door and said goodbye to my mom as I went out.

"Hey, you look great."

Oh gosh, here comes more blushing. Why does this have to happen all the time?!

"Thanks, you look nice too!" I was proud of myself for not choking up and not getting all awkward.

We walked to a restaurant by our hotel that Jay had said was really good. It was only a short five minute walk and we were seated quickly.

"What do you usually get?" I asked, in attempts to make casual conversation.

"The pancakes here are amazing. Truly life-changing." I laughed at his dramatic statement about pancakes.

"I'll get those too, then."

We began talking about school and I learned that Jay is going to be a freshman this year, but he is going to be doing online school instead of having to actually go to school.

"Yeah, so I'm doing it because it is so much easier to handle especially with other things going on with my career." Jay explained and I understood. Of course he would be busy with how much talent he has. I was personally always a fan of him ever since I saw him freestyle with Michael on the very first episode of boy band.

"I'm pretty sure I'll still be doing public school. I mean, I don't have amazing things going on for me as you do."

"I'm sure you'll find something you're amazing at soon." Jay said. I hope he was right, sometimes I lost hope for myself.

"When's your birthday?" I asked. I never knew Jay's birthday, and I thought it would be good to know of.

"November 1st," he said. Oh, so Jay will be turning 15 this year, I thought to myself.

"Are you having fun in LA?" he asked.

"Yeah! Everything here is super cool."

Our food came shortly and I ate my pancakes. Jay was right. They were really good.

"So, when do you have rehearsals?"

"At 12:00. So we have plenty of time."

"Oh, nice! What is Molly doing?" I wondered. I didn't want her to think we were leaving her out or anything.

"She's fast asleep right now. Totally not a morning person," he said, with a chuckle.

"Molly is really nice. I love hanging out with her!" I said. I knew that Jay also really loved Molly. Michael had mentioned that Molly and Jay were best friends, along with being siblings of course.

"She's pretty dope."

When we finished our pancakes, Jay insisted on paying. Was this a date? Nah, he probably doesn't even like me in that way.

The walk back to our hotel was filled with lots of talking about really random things. From the show, to places he's been in LA, I was proud to say things didn't get awkward.

Jay stopped at my room. Did I speak too soon? Was it about to get awkward? Was I about to blush like a maniac again?

"Thanks for coming, I had a lot of fun," Jay said with a smile. Boy, I loved his smile. And his eyes. His eyes were really gorgeous. And his hair-

Oh gosh. I was staring. Speak, Erica, speak.

"Me too! Thank you for asking me to come. I'll see you around?" I said. Hopefully I wasn't staring at him for too long.

"See ya, Erica," Jay said as he turned to walk away.

"Bye, Jay."

I walked back into the hotel room, and I noticed my mom was gone, and Michael was still at rehearsals for a couple more hours.

I plopped down on the bed, and got lost in my thoughts.



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