Fifty Two- Erica

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Erica's POV

When we got back to Presley's room, my phone buzzed the second I stepped foot into the room.

Michael: Are you still out with the girls?
Erica: Yes. Well, kind of. We're actually having another sleepover at Presley's tonight. Why?
Michael: Oh. I was just wondering if you all wanted to hang out with the guys and I at this place for dinner?
Erica: Sure, I'll ask them. Who's going?
Michael: Me, Jay, Sergio, Chance, Mikey, and Brady. Jaden and Marcus already have plans, unfortunately.
Erica: Bummer... They're my faves 😫
Michael: 😂 Let me know if you guys are planning to come, and I'll text you the details :)
Erica: Okay, I'll ask right now. Brb

"Guys!" I accidentally shouted after looking up from my phone. "Oops, didn't mean to yell. Anyways, Michael wants to know if we all wanted to hang out with him and some of the guys tonight at this restaurant for dinner?"

"Sure! Sounds like fun," Presley agreed. "I totally forgot about that. Chance asked me earlier. My bad. Whoops."

"Yay! I love seeing all of them!" Molly said. Jade nodded her head in agreement.

"Wait, which guys are going?" Kaitlyn asked.

I wish she didn't ask, because now I know she isn't going to want to go. I mean, I probably wouldn't either if I was in her shoes. But, I still wanted to go, and so did all of the other girls.

Kaitlyn and her ex just didn't end on good terms. Hopefully, she and Sergio can be mature about things tonight so we can all just have fun.

"Well, there's Michael, Jay, Mikey, Brady, Chance and Sergio," I said, trying to mumble the last name as best as possible.

"Oh. Okay," Kaitlyn said. "Are you sure you guys all want to go?"

"What's up, Kaitlyn?" Jade asked. She always seemed to know when someone was off.

"Here's the thing," Kaitlyn started. "Well... I-I um..."

"She and Sergio dated for like a week but then they broke up because he was really clingy," I finished for her, knowing that she'd stutter about it for hours.

"Oh my..." Molly said, not knowing how to process this information.

"Really?" Presley said. I found it hard to believe, too. I mean, Sergio and Kaitlyn seem like two people that would get along really well. It sucks that something had to ruin their friendship. And it also sucks that it had to be really awkward between them.

"Well, I guess we don't have to go if it'll be weird," Molly suggested.

"You know what? It's okay, actually. I'll go. I know you all really want to go, and I think it should be fine for one night," Kaitlyn reassured us.

"Okay! Sounds like a plan," Presley said, as she took out her phone to text her mom the update on what we would be doing tonight.

"Sorry about that, Kaitlyn. I'm sure things won't be that bad tonight," Jade said. "Plus, you guys have been around each other since the breakup and it hasn't really been an issue."

"Yeah, that's because I avoid him whenever we're in the same room," Kaitlyn said.

"Wow, that's rough," Molly said out loud.

"Yup." Kaitlyn shook her head, to try and get the thought out of her head. In the meantime, I texted Michael and got all of the details for tonight. He sent me the address of the restaurant and told me that we should be there at 6:30pm. It was around 4pm, so we had a couple hours to kill.

The girls all decided on doing blind makeovers. Molly wanted to be the judge, so the four of us paired up. I was with Presley, and Jade was with Kaitlyn. For the first round, Presley was going to be doing my makeup blind folded. At the same time, Kaitlyn would be doing Jade's makeup blind folded. Molly was going to rate their final products and then we would switch roles and Jade and I would be the makeup artists.

We began, and right off the bat, Presley was struggling. And she only needed to find the products at the moment. Finally, she found the primer after fiddling around for a while. She put it on the incorrect spot on my face. She took a while to find the other products and, of course, she put them on the wrong areas. It was absolutely hilarious, and we all laughed a ton.

   When Presley and Kaitlyn were finished, Molly rated their work on a scale from 1 to 10. Molly gave Presley a 5, and Kaitlyn a 6. After she gave the rates, they were able to remove their blind folds and see what they had done. I looked in the mirror previously and it made me laugh so much. It was terrible. I think Molly was being generous by giving Presley a 5. Looking at Kaitlyn's work, I didn't think it was much better than Presley's, but I could see how it earned a higher score.

Presley took her blind fold off, and looked at my face. We instantly bursted out into fits of laughter. Next, Kaitlyn took hers off and examined her work.

"Not too shabby," Kaitlyn said, nodding her head.

"I beg to differ," Jade argued, causing all of us to laugh in agreement with her.

   After Jade and I wiped the makeup off, we switched roles and did their's next. Molly was joking about how she was glad she got to judge instead of getting her face all messy. I thought it was fun either way.

   I struggled under the blindfold. A lot. I'm pretty sure I used the wrong products half the time, and I also poked Presley's eyes a couple times. I kind of rushed, too. I mean, it was going to end up bad anyways, so it didn't really matter if I took my time or not. Hopefully I'll do better than Presley in the end. She did pretty bad, so it shouldn't be too hard for me to do so.

   I finished a little bit before Jade did, so Molly insisted on making me sit there with my blindfold on. She wanted it to be all dramatic and have us take off our blindfolds at the same time. It was almost as if we were on some sort of game show or something.

   Presley continuously laughed while I did her makeup, and at the end, when she looked at the final product, she was completely silent. Maybe it was a good type of silent? Who knows.

   When Jade finished, Molly was thinking about what scores to give us. She ended up giving me a 7, which is a pretty good score, considering I don't do too much makeup on the daily, and I rushed. She gave Jade an 8, which didn't really surprise anyone. Jade had the most experience with makeup, and she was really good at it. Plus, it seemed like she took her time. I was waiting for her for a while when I couldn't see anything.

   When Molly finally allowed Jade and I to see the final looks, I was really excited. Turns out, I actually did pretty well. It didn't look too bad, except for when I tried to contour her face. Also, it looked a little smudgy around her eyes. That was because of the few times when I had accidentally poked her eye. Whoops.

   After we all got cleaned up, we decided it was a good time to start getting ready for the dinner tonight. We did our makeup normally and changed into some new outfits. Jade even took a shower. She wanted to make sure all the makeup Kaitlyn had done terribly on her was all washed away.

   It was now 6:00pm, and Presley's mom was going to drive us all there. I was really excited to go and see everyone. Especially Jay.


Guys I'm so sorry I haven't updated in five days. I legit watched all of Stranger Things 2 yesterday and was very busy with school. I'll try my best to update more frequently. :)

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