Forty Seven- Erica

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Erica's POV

   I had been waiting for this day for what felt like forever now. It was finally Monday. I felt weird thinking about how I was excited for a Monday and that I actually wanted it to be Monday. Monday's usually suck. But not this one.

   I got up right when my alarm clock went off. I didn't want to waste any time, for I still had to get myself ready for the day and finish up the little bit of packing I had left. Also, I didn't want to delay my family from getting to the airport on time, either. I needed to help out as much as possible. I changed into the outfit I had chosen yesterday; a green tank top with some light wash denim shorts.

   I was able to get myself one hundred percent ready, with some extra time to spare. I decided to spend that time helping my siblings. More specifically; Patrick. He always seemed to get himself jumbled in a bunch of work when everything was really simple.

   He needed more help getting his bag all packed up and ready to go for the trip. I volunteered to help him out while he picked out his clothes for today. Gosh, this boy was so high maintenance sometimes. And I thought Michael was bad, always touching his hair and everything. Patrick must be getting it from him.

My family was out the door right on time, thanks to me helping Patrick. Otherwise, we would've probably been a little late. Thankfully, we arrived at the airport when we should have, and we didn't miss our flight.

The flight was long and boring. Like always. But I just kept reminding myself of all the fun plans I had once we landed. I also took the over five hour plane ride as an excuse to fit in some more sleep.

We landed safely, and we got a bus to drive us directly to the hotel. We were staying at the same one that we booked last time, since it was the same hotel that all the boys in the show stayed at. It only made sense for us to stay there, too.

   Everyone put all their suitcases in a designated area of the room after we checked in. Now, it was time to go see my mom.

   Oh, and Michael, too.

Erica: Hey, we just checked in and got our room. Heading to yours! :)
Michael: Okay can't wait 🙂

   We only needed to walk down the hall a bit in order to reach our destination. Their room was conveniently located on the same floor as ours. I missed both Michael and my mom, since I haven't seen either of them in a few weeks. A few weeks is a long time to be away from your mom and brother.

   I fast walked all the way down the hall, clearly excited to see them. I knocked on their door right when I got there, not caring if the rest of my siblings nor my dad were there with me yet. Michael opened the door in an instant, with a big smile across his face. I jumped and gave him a big hug, and he wrapped his arms around me. While we were hugging, the rest of my family showed up behind me. My mom also appeared in the doorway behind Michael.

   I let go of Michael, allowing him to greet the others while I went up to my mom. I gave her a big hug as well, and told her how much I missed her. It only took a couple minutes before everyone got to hug Michael and Mom. Afterwards, we all followed Michael and my mom into their room. All of us took a seat on either of the beds in the room, as my mom wanted to talk to us about something.

   "As you know, Michael texted Erica and told her that we would all be doing something fun together today. Well," My mom said, trailing off to add suspense. "We are going to an amusement park!"

   We all cheered, as that sounded really fun. I couldn't wait, and I was already euphoric being here with my whole family in one place. I knew today was going to be a blast. My mom had already gotten an Uber to take us to the park, and it was waiting outside for us, so we had to get going now. Luckily, we were all set to go, and dressed in clothes that were comfortable enough to wear while going on all the rides.

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