Wings of Education

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All 27 students saluted, before balling there fists tightly.


Bullets of sweat formed on some students' foreheads.


'SWIIING!' A dagger was swung by a student, David, who was aiming for Aaron. But David was sidekicked by him, just before the blade could even touch him. He fell, butt first onto the ground dropping his dagger. When Aaron approached him, having his own weapon in hand, a battle axe, David backed away in fear. Aaron raised his weapon above his head and...

He felt himselft get impacted by a strong force that knocked him off, also causing him to drop his weapon. The person who saved David held out their hand, and David took it. The person who helped him was Kitchie

David was about to thank her but he felt himself get stunned, as he looked at Kitchie in the eye. All wild and mischief, he thought before he fell backwards. Kitchie twirled her trusty staff in her hand before equipping it. She smiled and turned around. 

Almost quick as lightning, she only caught a glimpse of three figures running past her. Seth, Harry, and Trishtan. They had attempted to attack her but her movements were much quicker than theirs, so they had to bail.

Kitchie sighed. She heard someone walking up behind her, and she instictively turned around and swung her staff towards her attacker. 

Muchi had been trying to sneak up on her but her plan backfired as Kitchi swung her staff towards her. She shut her eyes tight but felt nothing hit, although she did hear someone take the blow for her, as they let out a groan of pain. Muchi opened her eyes and saw Kat had grabbed the staff before it could hit her and Muchi, and before Kitchie could react, Kat gathered up her strength to yank the staff out of Kitchie's hands and toss it far.

Kitchie, now helpless without her staff, took off running in fear. Muchi ran up and hugged Kat tightly, with Kat stroking her head. She looked up slowly and wasn't able to react fast enough, as Aaron threw all his strength to knock Kat off her feet and sent her slamming into a wall, causing a large crack from the impact.

Muchi looked up at Aaron, terrified. Her helpless body trembled as she tried to back away from the taller, and much stronger boy. Aaron grabbed her by the collar of her shirt and was about to give her a nasty punch.

'WACK!' An arrow had striked Aaron right at the shoulder, making Aaron let go of Muchi. The brunette fell onto the ground, unharmed but shaken. She was too scared to look up, but at the corner of her eye, she saw someone slowly walk up to Aaron, as he winced in pain from the blow.

Jared. Aaron glared up at his friend. Jared gave him a cold look, holding his bow in his right arm. Aaron gathered up all his strength to stand up, and lift up his Battle Axe in his left hand.

The two took a step backward as they gripped their weapons tightly. They charged towards each other and...


Sir Marc yelled, clicking his stopwatch. He wrote down somethings onto the rubrics on his desk and the six students, who were unharmed, went up to him. 

"You did great, you six" Their adviser said, as he gave them their rubrics for PE, 'Stealth'. 

"Next!" Sir Marc called out the next six students, but not before shaking his head at Seth, Harry, and Trishtan, who had cowardly bailed on the practical test.

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