Untold History

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The room fell silent upon hearing the headmistress' words. Ms. Faragonda took a deep breath before speaking. "I'm afraid I haven't told you girls everything I knew about Scola. I apologize for that. I was afraid that something might happen to you all if I had told you the truth before..."

"Alfea and Scola, were never on good terms. Even today" The headmistress opened the book to reveal the letter that Scola had sent. "When Scola had sent me this," She held up the letter. "-I was confused by the fact that they wanted all of a sudden to allow their students to come set foot on Alfea..."

"...but why? Why would they send the Scolacians here in the first place if both schools weren't on good terms?" Aisha asked.

"It's not just Alfea, Aisha" Ms. Faragonda responded to the water fairy. "Scola has always been on bad terms with Magix in general"

Stella butted in, with a completely confused expression on her face. "Wait. This all makes no sense. Scola sent their students to Alfea, even if they weren't on good terms with us?? That's just confusing" 

"There's a reason to all of this. But first, I want you girls to just keep quiet" The headmistress looked at Stella, her expression was now strict. Stella kept her mouth shut after that. 

"Us magical beings, fairies, wizards, witches, any magical creature is known as a legend on Earth and other dimensions, we've grown popular after all these years. Thanks to you, Winx, more people on Earth believe in fairies now. And as for Scola's history, they were known as one of the Medival like legends. Ones that are not very common, or very rare. Scola has always disliked showing off their abilities in public, and they have disliked the fact that fairies have been revealing themselves out to the world now. They weren't envious that Magix has gained a great reputation. They made it seem like believing in magic can be a bad thing..." 

The Winx were taken back after hearing what the headmistress just told. They listened intently to what she was going to say next. 

"But, when I recieved the letter Scola had sent, I thought to myself that Scola has probably had a change of heart, and maybe, they decided to try and let their students feel what its like to be in another school like Alfea..." Ms. Faragonda then wore a disappointed expression. "But that was proven to be wrong after further research...."

What was held in the headmistress' hand now was another letter. It was new, only opened just a while ago. "I recieved a new letter from Scola today. And... I think you girls should see it for yourselves"

Ms. Faragonda handed the letter to Bloom, who opened it for the others to read. She and the Winx read what the letter said.

"To whoever is in charge of Alfea, we would want you to know that we will not and no longer be wanting to interfere with anyone in your school, or any being that is from Magix in general"

The Winx looked at the headmistress, stunned and shocked from what they just read. 

"What? I don't understand. What did we do wrong? Did we do something that made them upset towards Alfea?" Bloom asked Ms. Faragonda. The headmistress shook her head. "I wish I could tell you why Bloom, but I don't know myself. But..." 

She handed Bloom the book she was holding. "-I'll lend you girls this. It will help you girls get a better view of what happened the past years with Scola"

After that, the headmistress let the Winx leave. 


"Okay, I am legit confused" Stella said.

The Winx were inside Bloom's room, as they were trying to research furher information about Scola and its history. Bloom sighed sadly. "We all are, Stella. We didn't expect something like that to be said. But if we could crack the code to why Scola sent us that second letter, then maybe things will become clearer..."

"Bloom's right, Stella. We can't just assume that Alfea has something to do with it, even if the letter said so. It could have something to do with Scola themselves" Tecna added, reading a few chapters of the book that the Headmistress had given them. 

Musa, Aisha, and Flora were reading some other books that they found in the library that would be useful. Bloom was thinking to herself as to why. Why would Scola want to cut contact, just after the six of their new Scolacian friends had left. Could it have something to do with them? Were they forced to go? Was this a trick? A trick to deceive them? Bloom placed her head on her arms and let out a sigh. It kind of hurt her. It hurted everyone by the fact that they won't ever see their new friends again.

Most people would probaly ignore the fact that a school would hate or dislike them. The Winx would do the same, but they felt the need to still do some research. The Scolacians were their friends. 

"Hm, I can't seem to find any information about Scola. What about you guys?" Aisha asked her other friends. Stella, Musa, and Flora shook their heads, still holding their books. But Tecna seemed to get hold of something when she flipped through one last page, and there it said. 

"Leviathans" Tecna read through the first page and her eyes widened in shock. "The Leviathans have conquered the land of mortals, a land so called as Scolacium..."

"Guys! I think I found it! Come here!" The Winx all gathered around Tecna in a hurry to see what she had found. "Did you find something?"

"Not 'something' but the whole story! Look!" Tecna showed the page she was on, and the other read it.

"Leviathans, large abnormal beings had conquered the land of Scolacium. The ruler, Kattune had the ultimate power and control over the Leviathans. She was indeed a great ruler, but she was indeed the most insane one of all. One day, tragedy struck the whole city. Survivors of Scolacium had banded together to kill the ruler. Those survivors were known as paternal fairies. But before the ruler perished, she told one of her most fateful subjects to claim back their land, she told them to devour her in order to obtain her power. Her subjects refused and pleaded for her to not die. But they had no other choice, their ruler depended on them. As they began to tear off bits of their ruler's flesh open, piece by piece they swallowed, the paternal fairies had arrived to finish them off. One fairy, the leader of the whole tribe saw the seven of Kattune's sujects devour the last of her. But before the fairies could attack them, they saw a sparks surrounding the seven subjects. Then, a large explosion had erupted. The paternal fairies seemed to hear one of the subjects actually speak before the explosion had vaporized them. And what they said was--" 

The last bit was smudged with dirt. Tecna tried smearing it off. But she could only make out the word "...revenge..." 

Some things were starting to become clear now. "It all makes sense now! The remaining survivors are the ones who build Scola De Magicae Veeta! They didn't want to have anything to do with Alfea or Magix, because they were afraid that the Leviathans would return! The paternal fairies ARE the Scolacians! But I mean, not our friends. But the founders of SDMV.." Tecna said, explaining in a fansinated tone.

"Tecna! You got it! And... maybe that Leviathan was the reason why Scola didn't want their students to ever come here again.." Bloom spoke up. "We need to fix this. I don't want Scola to feel like they can't trust us"

The Winx seemed to agree but they weren't sure HOW. "If only there was a way to contact them. We could apologize to them"

Stella then thought of an idea. "Aha!"

The Winx looked at her, weird. Stella wore a smile on her face. "Headmistress Faragonda!"

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