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"Stella, when you asked us about Scola, what was the reason behind it all? How and when did you come in contact with these people?" King Radius questioned his daughter, as he, Stella, and Bloom walked through a small crowd of people down the path that had stalls and markets surrounding them. "Did they rather, reach out, or were you in control of coming into contact with them?" 

Stella slightly shook her head. "They were actually students a few years younger that us. They were on a fieldtrip studying about fairies"

"And they so happen to be Scolacians?" Radius raised an eyebrow, feeling unconvinced. 

Stella nodded her head, looking at Bloom walking beside her. "That's right."

The King looked rather unsettled. After a few people saw two of the royals out the castle, they soon made their way and allowed them to pass, despite Radius not mentioning a word. Earlier, he had requested his guards to keep an eye on the castle and Queen Luna, who was still asleep, just so he and Stella could have some privacy in conversation.

"I'm sorry, Stella. It's just that, I just couldn't shake off this vile feeling off my back. It's too much that I have to keep this to myself and your mother." King Radius said.

"Keep what?" Stella curiously asked her father, who showed a slightly unnerved and uncomfortable expression on his face. "You can tell me."

"Being that you've already mention to have met the Scolacians, they perhaps told you about the rulers of Scola?" King Radius slowly said in a low voice. Stella nodded, feeling eager to know what her father wants to say.

"That they have been the reason to why Scola has been created.."

Stella and Bloom stopped walking just as King Radius stopped right in his tracks as well. He did not continue his sentence.

"Dad?" Stella called out.

"Stella..." Radius slowly turned to face his daughter and Bloom. "Do you...feel that?" He said, in a more unnerved tone.

Stella and Bloom were now quiet as the three of them, and a few other people feet away from them listened and felt their surroundings. Something was...off. There was a slight vibration to the ground, every time Radius or anyone else would look around.

Abruptly, an explosion broke the entire silence and it was soon filled with shrill screams and yells of the people. The citizens who were with them were now panicking and running away from where the explosion had possibly came from. Followed by another explosion, the sound of bricks and rubble caused the ground to shake as the pieces broke into smaller chunks, crushing land as they fell.

Stella looked at Bloom, then at her dad, with worry in her eyes. She and Bloom got ready to transform, but a cry for help and frustration interrupted them. A few castle guards were leading a whole crowd of people away, the opposite from where Stella and Bloom were facing. King Radius grabbed a guard roughly and interrogated him with questions.

"An explosion erupted near the castle! We had to evacuate the citizens immediately!" The guard said, in a desperate voice.

Stella's eyes widened. "What about mom!?" 

Bloom and King Radius turned to Stella in complete shock. "We need to find her quick! Dad, go help the rest of the guards in evacuating the people! Bloom and I will go look for mom!" Stella cried out, just as she and Bloom transformed into their Bloomix form.


"MOM!" Stella's voice cried out in the near empty castle ruins. She and Bloom flew directly over the rubble, searching for the queen of Solaria desperately. Stella had tears in her eyes by now. She landed on the ground, the sound of her heels clicking on the ground filled the empty silence on the grounds, with Bloom following after her.

Academy Antagonism - [DISCONTINUED, REWRITTEN VERSION COMING SOON]Where stories live. Discover now