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A hand tore off the mask that the person had on as a group of people surrounded the two in a dim litted room. As the mask landed on the ground next to the person seated on a chair, the group of people gathered gave out shocked looks at each other, staring at the seated person in disbelief.


Indeed, the technology fairy sat, giving everyone a nasty glare as they stared back at her, stunned. 

"'re one of Stella's friends...I believe?" 

The person who spoke up sounded familiar to Tecna. The pink-haired fairy turned her head just a little to make out somebody in the dark. Jas? The fairy thought.

Soon, the people who were surrounding her began mumbling to each other, giving Tecna a few glances. Jas, who was in the dark, revealed herself to everyone else, holding a walkie-talkie in her hand. "I contacted the Order" 

"Enough with this!" Tecna snapped all of a sudden, which caused the whole room to fall silent in a second. 

"Woah. Sheesh lady, you need to chill" A guy said, raising his hands up. "I mean, we only captured you because we thought you were a threat" 

"Don't talk, you'll just make her more angry, Trishtan" A girl said sternly to the guy, grabbing his arm. 

As expected, Tecna did get more angry in fact. She was angry by how these Scolacian didn't even acknowledge what she was saying to them. But instead of just attacking them all, she stayed cool and decided to calm herself down.

"Where are the others" The technology fairy asked coldly. The Scolacians who were with her gave each other looks. 

Jas placed the walkie-talkie down and looked over to a much bigger guy at the back of the room. "Seth" She called out to him.

Tecna tilted her head to the side to see the three Warrior Unit members standing beside each other, seemingly standing infront of something, or someone. Once the three moved aside, Tecna's eyes widened.

"Guys!" She cried out, worried and afraid of what had happened to them. Three of her friends, Musa, Aisha, and Flora were seated on the floor, tied up. And three of the Specialists, Riven, Timmy, and Helia were next to them, tied up aswell.

"Tecna!" They all cried out to the fairy. 

"SETH." The Scolacians angrily shouted at the bigger man. "...guys?" Seth gave them a dorky and nervous smile as he raised up his hands

"You just had to tie them up, did you?" Christen placed her hand on her hips, giving Seth an unamused look. 

"Well they be askin for it" Seth lied. Keisha rolled her eyes and squated down next to the tied up fairies and Specialists. Harry leaned against the wall, looking down guilty.

"No. No they weren't" Keisha spoke, helping the fairies one at a time. "Sorry" She told them after removing the shackle-like mechanism that was chained around their wrists and feet.

As the brunette helped the Specialists next, Seth was left to deal with the group of Scolacians who were going to kick his ass for being an ass. Well not really. They just gave him a few dirty looks as the bigger man shamefully went over to Harry and leaned against the wall beside him. 

"He made us do it, sorry guys" Harry said to everyone, including the ones who were tied up.

Tecna watched everything go down, and it was just giving her more proof and advantage of telling off the Scolacians. She did not trust them one bit. Especially now, after what the Warrior Unit had done. Sure, it seemed all like an accident, but to Tecna, and maybe to the others, it all looked like it was done on purpose.

"What is going on in here?" Everyone heard the sound of Jared's voice, followed by the footsteps of the other Order members.

Stepping inside the room, the Order looked as if they were looking at an actual hostage situation.

"What is going on in here?" 

The Scolacians all gave the Order a few nervous looks. 

Kat stepped up and whispered something in Jared ear. She then went back to where she was, which was beside Muchi. 

"Trap and Fort Unit, attend to your regular routines and attendances. Now" Jared commanded, as the two groups of Scolacians gave him a short salute, and walked out silently. Leaving Tecna alone seated on the chair.

"Explain" Jared held up his hand at the fairy. Tecna glared at him, not going to say a word to him anytime now.

The remaining fairies and Specialists who were tied up, were now on their feet thanks to Keisha who had freed them. They all made their way to Tecna, blocking Jared and the rest of the order off.

"Hey...where's Stella and Bloom?" Muchi spoke from the back of the Order. 

"Back in Alfea. Why do you want to know about them?" Tecna answered back coldly. "As if you'd care"

"Sheesh Tecna, why so rude? I thought everything was cool between us" David said, fixing his glasses. 

"Yeah, what gives? Why are you guys here in the first place? Surely there's no way of you guys have the transportation to get from the village to here" Kitchi joined in. "Did Seth and the Warrior Unit take you in?" Aaron asked.

"They did...actually" Flora asserted. "But I think they didn't recognize us..." 

The Order questioned why wouldn't they recognize them. 

"...." The girls were silent. This time, it was the Specialists' turn to answer for them. 

"We wore masks" Riven said, crossing his arms. 


"Masks?" Aaron raised an eyebrow. "What for?"

"Because we didn't want anyone to notice us...and..." Timmy said, trailing off.

All eyes were on Tecna. Musa, Aisha, and Flora all sighed and depended on their pink-haired friend to answer for them.

"We came here..." Tecna began slowly. " talk"

"Talk again? About what happened, three four weeks ago? Seriously?" David scoffed at the silliness of the situation. So apparently, the four Winx members, and the three Specialists decided to give Scola another visit, to talk about, what, the same incident from before? It was getting old to the Scolacians, especially the Order.

"Look, Bloom and Stella already came-" Jared was cut off by Tecna.

"We know"

"So why are you here, then?" Kitchi questioned confusedly.

The fairies and Specialists were silent at first. But when Tecna stood up from her chair, she lifted up her arm to point at someone.

"We know the identity of the Feline Liath" She said sharply. "Isn't that right.."

Her finger was pointed directly between Muchi and David. Everyone stared at the suspect in confusion and surpise.


Academy Antagonism - [DISCONTINUED, REWRITTEN VERSION COMING SOON]Where stories live. Discover now