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((A/N: Apologies for not putting a warning for the gore in the last chapter.))

The shock lead everyone to be completely silent for a whole straight hour. No one could say anything about what had just happened. That witch...she didn't deserve to die...not in a horrible way like that...even if she was from Cloudtower, she didn't have to go throught all that...

The Specialists had brought in the Winx earlier into Alfea, where Ms. Faragonda, Griselda, Daphne, and the rest of the students were.

It was obvious everyone else has seen what had happened. 

The specialists let the Winx down so they could stand. Stella, Musa, and Tecna has horrified expressions on their faces. Aisha was furious by the fact she couldn't save the poor girl in time. Flora weeped silently, mourning the witch's death. Bloom only stared off into space.

But soonly after a few second, she snapped back into reality when she heard Daphne calling her name. "Bloom!"

"Y-Yes..?" Bloom turned towards her older sister. Daphne has a look of worry in her eyes. "You don't look so good...did that...Leviathan do some damage on you?" 

Bloom shook her head. "No..I'm fine. It's just that...I was thinking. How could the Leviathan still be alive? After we, possibly defeated it, months! Months ago!"

The dragon fairy place a hand on her forehead. "Why now? Why did it have to kill someone?" She began to sweat bullets.

Daphne tried comforting her younger sister. "Bloom, it's not your fault. It's no one's fault that the witch was killed. There's no one to blame..."

Aisha balled her hands into fists. "The Trix!! They must've resummoned it somehow! I clearly remember Icy and the other two giving each other a look, as if they knew it would come!"

Musa and Flora tried to calm her down, and it worked a little. Daphne looked at her sympathetically. "I understand you all are angry, and shocked from what just happened. But we need to be more alert now. Who knows when that Leviathan will come back"

Tecna nodded. "Daphne's right. We need to make sure that the magic barrier is mostly up, if so, always up"


In Cloudtower, the witches assisted the Trix back inside the school. The Trix were physically injured, they even had wounds that were still bleeding. Darcy let out a weak groan. "Ugh! We can fly, you idiots!" 

She tried to pull away from them, but she realized that when she did, the pain grew only worse.

Selina emerged from the room, and she seemed to already know that the Trix were hurt. She went to approach them, with the Legendarium in her arms.

"The Leviathan, I suppose?" The greenhaired witch raised an eyebrow. The Trix glared at her. "Just shut up and find a spell that would heal us" 

Selina flipped through the pages of the Legendarium, but not for a cure or spell, but to read the last legend she had summoned. The Leviathan. 

"What are you doing now??" Stormy asked irritatedly. 

Selina wanted to glare back at her, but kept her cool. "Hold on. I'm just checking on the Leviathan's combat abilities..."

"Well hurry it up...!" Icy said groaning.

Selina's eyes scanned through the pages, but her once calm expression turned into a look of horror. The Trix grew curious to why she was taking so long, and why she had that look on her face. 

"That can't be...the Leviathan looks nothing like what is says in the picture..." Selina muttered to herself. "Could...could the Leviathan...no..that's impossible, surely..."

The Trix were getting impatient. "Hurry up with that spell, cabbage-head!"

Selina snapped out of it, then closed the Legendarium. "Fine, fine..."


"What do you mean it's gone?"

Griselda snapped at the Winx. All of them were inside Headmistress Faragonda's office, minus Daphne and the Specialists, who were outside.

"It went back off into the forest, that's for sure. But when we checked later, there was no sign of it" Aisha retorted. Ms. Faragonda fixed her glasses, as she sat silently on the desk.

"It happened last time too. The Leviathan always went back into the forest after retreating" Tecna added.

Griselda no longer said a word, not because of defeat, but because Ms. Faragonda held up her hand for them to all be quiet. "If what you girls are saying is true, then we need to clear off taking walks in the forests for now on, until this situation has been dealt with"

Grisleda seemed to agree with the idea. 

"If it helps lessen anymore incidents or fights, then I guess that would be alright..." Bloom reluctantly agreed aswell.

"Speaking of incidents, hey Bloom? Um, I think you dropped your shirt on the school grounds" Stella held up Bloom's shirt in her hand. The dragon fairy took it, and looked at it. "Why would it be there? It was in my bag?"

Stella shrugged. "I just saw it there after we went to investigate where the Leviathan had gone off to"

Bloom nodded. "Well, the shirts not important. We need to discuss this later about the Leviathan..."

The headmistress looked at her and the WInx. "You girls seem to be busy. I suppose I should let you girls go"

The Winx thanked Ms. Faragonda before leaving her office. 


"How interesting..." Selina said to herself inside her room. She was reading the Leviathan's legend in the Legendarium. The Leviathans were known as Liaths in the world of Scolacium. 

It was an interesting tale. The Liaths were loyal to their ruler, Kattune. Goddess of Insanity. 

Before the goddess was killed by the Paternal fairies, she allowed her four subjects to eat her, allowing them to gain her abilities.

Selina only managed to read that part of the legend before the page ended. She closed the Legendarium, and let out a sigh.

"The Liaths are strange...yet fascinating. If the Leviathan ever returns, I'll make sure it won't leave so easily..." Selina wore a sly smile. She turned the Legendarium back into a small sized keychain before she placed it on her belt.

"The Trix will be pleased when I bring back a little gift for them"

Academy Antagonism - [DISCONTINUED, REWRITTEN VERSION COMING SOON]Where stories live. Discover now