Welcome Scolacians

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"Can you believe it?" Muchi asked the two taller girls as she looked out the window. "We're going to another dimension?" Kitchi answered. "We're getting married?" Kat answered aswell.

"Yup! And that was for both of you" Muchi responded, looking at the both of them. "You bet!" Kitchi said in excitement. Kat let out a low squeal, which caused the two to look at her funny. "How did you do that...?" Muchi asked dumbfounded. "I dunno" Kat shrugged. "My voice is deep"

"Woah, guys look! I can see the school!" David said a low voice as Jared and Aaron stood behind him from the window. "It looks awesome!" 

"It looks historical" Aaron added in amazement. "It looks boring" Jared said, displeased.

"Lighten up, Jared. We could be fighting new monsters soon after we land from this plane. Didn't you want that?" Aaron asked. Jared let out a grunt. "Well, YEAH. But seems to me this place will just be the same back at home, but more BORING" 

"Don't be like that, Jared" David said to the dark-haired boy, leaning on the window. "Yeah" Aaron agreed, looking at Jared, who still had a displeased expression on his face. "Whatever. This is just a waste of time anyway"

The pilot chuckled in a raspy voice, listening to the three as he proceeded to land the plane. "Kids, you best be getting ready now. Go get all of your belongings and luggages, and make sure you won't leave anything behind" 

The six of them did as they were told, so they got their bags and stuffed their blankets back in them and got down their luggages from the luggage area. "Argh! Ugghhh!!" Muchi struggled on reaching her luggage, even on her tiptoes. Kat noticed this and immediately ran to grab the luggage for her. "Here you go, darling" She handed the shorter girl the luggage and smiled sweetly. Muchi let out a giggle and smiled back. "You're sweet, thanks!"

David scoffed. "Do you HAVE TO help Muchi in everything?" 

"Yes, I have to. And I will" The dark-haired woman replied, scoffing back at the taller man. "And there's nothing you can do bout' it"

"Jealous much?" Kitchi leaned forcefully on David, smirking. "No! It's just annoying" David responded, crossing his arms. Kat let out a chuckle. "Then, unless Muchi gets taller, then I guess I have no choice but to help her ALL the time!" 

The plane prepared to land, as the pilot told the six students to prepare. After the plane had landed, the doors automatically opened to let the six student out. As they all got out of the plane, a forest layed ahead of them. Everyone looked around in astonishment, well except for Jared, who had his arms crossed. "Best be going, kids. See ya in five days" The pilot closed the door to the plane, and took off in a matter of seconds, disappearing in sight.

"So, where to?" Aaron asked, carrying his luggage in one arm, and in the other was his backpack. 

Kitchi looked at the letter Sir Marc had given them. "It says to just go straight, and we'll see the entrance" 

David glaced around and saw that their were three extra luggages left on the ground, unattended. "Hey guys, who own these?" He called out to the rest. They all looked at them and shrugged. "Maybe some extra clothes or beddings, I guess?" Muchi proceeded to pick up one, but it seemed to heavy for her. "Don't worry" Kat slinged her backpack on her shoulder and attempted to carry the luggage for Muchi. "Kat ex machina, much?" David rolled his eyes.

"UGGGGHHHHH!!!!" Kat let out a frustrated groan as she tried lifting up the luggages, but none won't move an inch.

David smirked, then cracked his knuckes. "Alright, alright, I got it--"

"UUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!" Even David couldn't carry the luggages. What's in those luggages, rocks??? "JARED!!!" The three of them shouted for the dark-haired male, who was carrying his own luggage. "Sorry, but I'm out of hands"

"Let's just drag them instead. We need to get to, wherever we're supposed to be" Kitchi said, pointing north, to where they were supposed to be going. David and Kat proceeded to drag the luggages, sweat already pouring down their foreheads. Muchi walked beside Aaron and Jared, carrying her own luggage. Kitchi led the group, glancing around the surroundings once in a while.

Then she stopped her tracks when she saw the gates of, what it seems to be, a school. The others stopped aswell, and admired the gigantic building. 

"Kat! It's so beautiful! Look! I--" Muchi stopped mid sentence when she saw Kat and Jared having a low conversation at the back. "Hey! You two!!" She called their attention.

"Huh?" They both turned to look at her. 

"Come on! Let's head inside!" Muchi pulled the both of them with her, as everyone else set foot on the school grounds. They all looked at the school entrance, then they saw six girls approaching them. David swore he could've heard one of them gasp as they saw him, Aaron, and Jared. 

"You must be the new students!" A red-haired girl waved hello at them. "Nice to meet you all!"

"Likewise" Kitchi went in to shake hands with the redhead. "I'm Kitchi Kagaku-rio. But, you can just call be Kitchi" The two shook hands, with smiles on their faces. 

"I'm Bloom. And these are my friends, Stella," Bloom pointed at the blonde-haired girl. "And that's Flora," She pointed at the brunette. "That's Musa," She pointed at the black-haired girl. "Tecna" She pointed at the pink-haired girl. "And Aisha" She pointed at the dark-skinned girl.

"A pleasure to meet all of you!" Kitchi said politely. Then she looked over at the others, and nudged them to introduce themselves. Muchi was first to step up.

"My name's Muchi Chorral, hi everybody!" She placed her hands behind her back and smiled. "I'm Kat. And Muchi's," The dark-haired woman pulled Muchi close to her side and held her tight. "-mine. You got that?"

Aaron and David were next to introdue themselves. "Wassup. I'm Aaron Tikundo. Glad to meet you" 

"Eh, I'm David. David the Harvey" The dark-haired male placed his hands on his hips and smirked. "Seriously" Aaron facepalmed.

"And who's that over there?" Stella pointed at Jared, who was far in the back, his back turned away from them. "That's Jared. He... doesn't like to introduce himself a lot that much" Aaron responded.

"I see, well that's alright I guess. We should show you guys around once you six get to see your room. I've decorated them already!" Stella clasped her hands together in excitement. "Yeah! You all should probably get some rest after that long trip" Flora told the six. 

"Alright, where to?" Aaron picked up his bag, but he stopped and realized something. "Wait, oh........ffffffffff-is this a girl's school?" Aaron saw some Alfea students walking inside the school and all of them were female. "....it is......oh crap, this is awkward"

"It's fine! We can have male guests inside, don't worry! It's not a problem" Bloom said, trying to reassure him. "Come on, we'll show you six your rooms"

The three guys got their own luggage, same did with the girls. "Hey, what about those?" Stella pointed at the remaining three, that were left on the floor. Kat and David let out a groan.

"Not a problem. Here" Aisha and Tecna used magic to lift up the luggages with ease. "Your rooms are just up ahead" 

All of them walked into the school and walked past other students. They turned a few corners and finally reach their rooms. Two of them. "Here they are. We'll just leave you six alone for a bit. Then when you're ready, come and see us at Ms. Faragonda's office" Bloom and the Winx turned to leave, after helping the six with their belongings.

Kitchi looked at her companions and shrugged. "Let's head inside, and I'm sure the other room is for the guys" The girls and boys seperated as they all went into their rooms. "Muchi, I'm sleepin' with you tonight" Kat said to the shorter girl.

The girls got inside their room and Kat let out a 'Aw hell no' when they saw the inside of the room. It was, decorate top to bottom with, mostly girly themes.

"On second thought..."

The guys looked weirdly at Kat, who was sitting in the middle of the room, with a blanket over her. "Nevermind"


What a strange way to end a chapter.

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