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"Everyone, please! Calm down! Pushing each other over won't work if all of us are trying to get to safety!!" Two of the Specialists, Brandon and Helia were trying to get the people of Gardenia to control themselves. Yet, there seemed to be a reason for all their scrambling. Timmy got on his vehicle and got a closer view on what was happening. Reaching to a stop at a nearby tunnel, the ginger-head Specialist saw that a large truck with a cloak over it seemed to be blocking the whole entrance of the opening. 

But before he could stop or question anyone, Nex had shouted for him, as he and the other Specialists on their vehicles flew over the buildings, seemingly looking at something in the distance. "We need your assistance, quick!" Shouted the specialist.

Timmy turned his vehicle around and followed the other Specialists to where ever they were after. "I heard something coming from the mall!" Brandon said.

"Sky, have you called the Winx over? Maybe they know what to do!" Helia asked. Sky answered him back. "Yeah! They said they'd be here soon!"

"They better!" Riven scoffed, following the rest of the Specialists.

Once all of the Specialists grouped together in search of the mysterious threat, they all heard the sound of steam being let out. 

"I'll tell ya one thing!" A raspy familiar warrior-like voice was heard by the main Specialists. "That Liath-like son of a bitch is making its way towards yer people!" 

It seems as if the citizens of Gardenia did not notice them, as all of them were too busy trying to find their way through the tunnel the truck was blocking. 

A fat, short man was standing in front of the truck, with a few other men by his side. They were the ones pushing the truck, trying to get it through. The fat seemed to belong somewhere in a factory that earned a lot, due to the look of his clothing. His men were bulky and muscular, so he ordered them to push the truck even further.

"Let us through!!" A man shouted from the crowd, followed by other people who were pushing him and others to get past. But some other of the rich man's men blocked them off.

"Goddammit, push already! My wealth isn't going to push itself ye'know!" The rich man angrily yelled.

It was as if the man did not care that it was an evacuation for everybody. He was fixed on only his money and men, rather than the rest of the citizens who were trying to save their own lives from the unknown doom their about to face.

"..wha-what's happening?.." A young girl asked her mother, who looked scared and shaken. The mother knelt down to her daughter's level and comforted her. 

"Everything will be fine, sweetheart. Don't worry" The mother placed her hands on her daughter's shoulders.

"What if the Winx won't come, mommy? What if they don't care about us anymore?" The young girl began to shake a little. The mother shook her head gently. "They'll come, dear, I know they will"

"But what if they won't?" The girl was starting to believe that the fairies who once came to Gardenia, had betrayed them to leave them to fend for themselves. 

"There's nothing to be afraid of" The mother said, giving her daughter a smile.

"Mommy..." The girl pointed behind her mother. 

"Huh?" She looked back, so did a few other people. Everything fell silent as the sound of large footsteps echoed the empty streets.

Screams were heard as a large, 15 meter Samson suddenly appeared from the corner and began charging its way towards the crowd. The rich man let out a cry of desperation as he forced his men to push.

Academy Antagonism - [DISCONTINUED, REWRITTEN VERSION COMING SOON]Where stories live. Discover now