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"Volcanic attack!!" Bloom shot out a combination of pink, orange, yellow, and blue beam of energy towards the Trix out of anger. "Icicle Fury!" Icy shot out icicles that managed to overpower the attack of Bloom. "Nice try, Bloom. But that's not going to work--"

"Light Spectrum!" Stella shot a pink and yellow spiraling beam towards Icy, but before it could hit her, a purple tornado with purple lightnings surrounding it appeared just as Stormy shouted her attack. "Oh no you don't!" Aisha got ready to attack. "Morphix Cage!" 

Before the tornado could do any damage, a pink cage was able to trap it. "Got any better attacks?" Aisha smirked. 

"Oh, we were just getting started. Sisters?" Icy looked at her two siblings and smiled. Darcy and Stormy returned the same look before they all flew away out of the forest. The Winx were just about to follow after them, but all of a sudden there were those footsteps again. This time, much closer than before.

"Guys!" Bloom looked down at the six Scolacians. "Find a safe place to hide! Head back to Alfea if you can. We'll handle this" 

The Scolacians said nothing as they all stared back at the Fire Fairy. They all looked hesitant to leave at first. But Bloom was sure that they should leave. "Go!"

With that the Scolacians reluctantly ran off the direction they came from. The footsteps were getting closer as the Scolacians ran further into the forest. No, the footsteps... they were coming towards the them! The Winx noticed and went into action. Flora, Musa, and Tecna swooped down into the forest to warn the six, while Bloom, Stella, and Aisha flew overhead to find whatever was making those footsteps.

"Come on! Run faster!" Aaron looked back at his friends who were running behind him. They all quicken their pace. "That thing's gonna catch up to us if we stop running!" Aaron looked ahead of him, only to find the three Winx members stop them on their tracks. "That thing's going to catch up to you all if you keep running in that direction!" Musa yelled at them, getting ready to attack anything that comes in as a threat. "You all need to find a way out of this forest, it's too dangerous to stay here!" Flora said, trying to persuade the Scolacians to leave. 

"No! We can't just let you guys fight this monster alone!" Kitchi said worriedly, the other five agreed. Tecna shook her head at them. "No, and besides you guys haven't earned your magic abilities yet. Leave this to us" 

"But we can't just leave--" Kitchi was cut off by Musa. "We've dealt with this before. Don't worry about us. Now go! Save yourselves!"

The Scolacians hesitantly ran away from the three fairies, looking back on the way. The footsteps were approaching, fast. Musa looked up to see Bloom, Stella, and Aisha flying overhead. "It's coming in, girls!" 

"Get ready, Winx!" Bloom said, readying for an attack. The other Winx members did the same. They all turned their attention towards the shaking of the tree branches and the violent shaking of the ground. The Winx, both above the trees, and on the forest grounds got ready to attack. Just as the shaking got to the worst, they all saw a face in the shadows of the tree branches. Stella was the first to notice, and she attacked with instict. 

The pink and yellow spiraling beam shot through the trees. Whatever the thing was, Stella's attack got it. The thing let out an enraged scream from either pain, or anger. This caused the shaking of the ground and tree branches to stop. Lowering their guard down, Bloom, Aisha, and Stella flew down to meet the other three. "Did we get it?" Bloom asked.

Everything was silent now. Stella flew cautiously to where they saw the face of the thing. "Hellooo~? Any monster around here?" She called out. "Stella get back here!" Aisha called out to the blonde. "I think it's gone--"

Academy Antagonism - [DISCONTINUED, REWRITTEN VERSION COMING SOON]Where stories live. Discover now