Fitting in

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"I can't believe this"

Kitchi sat on her bed, which was decorated entirely with flowers and hearts, had her arms crossed. She looked quite upset rather than excited now. Muchi, sat on the opposite end of the room, right beside the bed that Kat supposed to sleep in, ...before she decided to sleep in the other room. "Tell me about it! I have no sleeping companion! And it's already getting dark!"

Kitchi uncrossed her arms and sighed. "No! Not that! I mean, I wasn't expecting our trip to be like..." She threw her arms up in the air. "THIS!" 

"What's so wrong about this room?" Muchi asked, lying on her side. "Not only this room, but, ....everything else!" Kitchi added. "And those girls...."

"You mean Bloom, Stella, Flor--" "OKAY OKAY, YOU DON'T HAVE TO MENTION ALL OF THEIR NAMES!" Kitchi cut off Muchi, covering her ear in process. Muchi had her eyes widened from Kitchi's sudden outburst. "There's something about them I don't like!"

"Like what?" Muchi questioned, raising an eyebrow. Kitchi uncovered her ears and paused. "...they're too girly" 

"Too girly? Seriously??" Muchi gave Kitchi an unimpressed look. "We just met them. How about we give them a chance? I mean, this is just our first day anyway" 

Kitchi sighed in defeat. "Ugh, you're right. I guess I'm just being too picky. Might aswell just go, with the flow..."

Muchi smiled. "That's more like it!" She then layed on her back, with a pillow behind her stomach and head. "We should get some rest though, tomorrow's going to be a big day" Muchi looked over at Kitchi. The older girl had her back turned, facing the wall. "Yeah, sure..."

Muchi looked over at the empty bed beside her. "......"



David layed on his bed, groaning. Aaron, laying on the bed next to him, sat up. "WHAT?!"

"I'm hungry" David pointed at the door. "Let's sneak out"

Aaron's eyes widened. "The hell man, no! I'm not going to get in trouble on the first day here!" With that answer, David frowned and looked over at Jared. He was still up, sitting at the edge of his bed, reading a book. "Hey Jared!"


"But I didn't even say anything yet-....heeeeeeyyyy Kat-" David peeked over the edge of his bedside, with Kat on the floor, in a sleeping bag. "--Don't even think about it, four-eyes" Kat turned the other way, and tossed the covers over her head. David then sat back up straight and flopped back down on the bed. "Comn' guysss... I'm hungry! I need FOOOOD" 

"Not our problem" Jared said, over reading his book. "Go sneak out yourself" 

"No way in hell am I doing that! ....okay g'night!" David pulled the covers over himself and was silent for the rest of the night. Aaron sighed in relief and placed a pillow over his head to block out any sounds if David decided to still not give up. Jared placed his book down and finally layed down on his own bed. 

He switched off the lamp, which was the only source of light in the room left. And then the room was filled with darkness. And silence. 

"Okay who farted"



*Thump thump*

"....ugghh what time is it?..." 

"It's too dark, the hell...."


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