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"What are you doing here?!" Griselda asked angrily at the female Scolacian. Keisha stared back at her with dull eyes. "I-"

"Keisha!" The Winx, including Bloom, ran up to them. They all were shocked to see their Scolacian acquaintance in Magix, especially without the Order. The female Scolacian faced them with the same look on her face. "Oh. Hi guys"

Everyone suddenly heard the sound of rustling of bushes and leaves coming from the forest. "I TOLD YOU WE SHOULD'VE TOKEN THE PATH!!" The familiar voice of David yelled in the forest. "WELL I'M SORRY THAT IT WAS YOUR FAULT WE LOST THE MAP!" Kat's voice shouted back.

Two figures came out from the opposite end. 

"SETH? HARRY?" The Winx exclaimed. They both gave a half-hearted and embarrassed wave. "Yo..."

"OW! IT'S NOT MY FAULT I FORGOT THAT I PLACED IT IN MY POCKET!" Kat and David came out from the forest, covered in leaves and dirt. David was headlocking the dark-haired female Scolacian. "AND YOU BLAME ME FOR LOSING IT??" David yelled back at her.

The Winx had their mouths a little open, with Griselda looking at the two familiar looking Scolacians, and the other two new. 

"Did ALL of you come here just to give us a scare??" Griselda demanded angrily, letting go of Keisha. 

"Well..." Seth was about to speak, but he was cut off. Muhci's head popped out from a bush, followed by Aaron's and Kitchi's. "Nope. We're here too"

Griselda was just as shocked as the Winx, her glasses tilted to the side in process. She quickly fixed them and cleared her throat. "Ahem..Did you, Scolacians come here for something?"

The head discipline officer looked at the Winx. "Or was this all a failed attempt into giving us a false alarm?" She said with an annoyed expression.

"WIth all do respect ma'm, we came here for a good reason." Jared's voice startled everyone, as he was seen right behind Seth and Harry.

"We did not come here to cause any ruckus. We came here..." Jared turned to Seth and Harry.

"..Because these two imbeciles called us over, made us come here in Magix, even though they aren't supposed to be here in Alfea in the first place. But we decided to come along because Kitchi and Aaron recalled something about you guys and the Leviathan attack, and now we're here to tell you what we possibly might know" Jared spoke quickly.

"..." Griselda blinked in disbelief. "I give up" She and the Alfea staff all left, heading back inside the school.

Jared looked at Bloom. "Pleasure seeing you again, Bloom" He held out his hand. Bloom hesitantly took it and they both shook hands. Bloom let go and immediately asked, "Why is your hand so cold?"

Jared looked at her weird. "It's not" 

"Is to" The dragon-flame fairy responded. "Is not" "Is to"

"Tec, glad to see you again!" Kitchi approached Tecna and smiled. "Likewise" The technology fairy replied happily.

"Flora! Stella!" Muchi exclaimed happily as she got out from the bushes. She ran up to them and gave the two taller girls a hug. 

"Comn'. Quit being jealous" David elbowed Kat, smirking. "Ah-!" The dark-haired female was caught off guard. "The hell, David!"

Aaron went up to Aisha and lifted up his hand. "Up top, Ms. Athlete." The water fairy happily high-fived the Scolacian. 

"What makes you think I'm jealous" Kat asked her Scolacian friend. "It's obvious" David replied, still smirking. "You know what" Kat left David to approach Musa. "Nice to see, SOMEONE here relates to how I feel" She wrapped her arm around Musa all of a sudden, causing the Music fairy to jump with surprise.

Muchi saw this and looked confused. "What are you doing?"

Kat let go of Musa and clumsily stumbled away from the fairy. "IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE MUCHI!!" 

"Uhm..." Muchi looked muddled. "Okay...?"

David snickered at his female friend as she walked back beside him. "Pfft-Nice one, Kat"

"Ahem, has everyone forgetten about us?" Seth called out to everyone. They all faced the three. "We're the reason why you all are having this reunion, you know" 


"Sorry we came on such a short notice" Kitchi apologized to the Winx they led them to Ms. Faragonda's office. "It's actually not a problem, Kitchi. We were just, uh, talking about you guys the other day. And how Bloom wanted to visit you guys again" Tecna responded to the taller Scolacian.

"Well at least we came here for a good reason, right?" Aaron spoke up. Mostly everyone agreed. 

Musa glanced back to see the Warrior Unit trailing behind. "You guys coming?"

Seth looked up. "Oh uh. Yeah. Keisha's just a bit tired, that's all-" He was cut off when Keisha elbowed him in the ribs, hard. "You're the one who's tired!" 

"Sorry for this, Musa" Harry said, feeling guilty. "No sweat, Harry. You guys aren't doing any wrong" The music fairy said, with a smile.

"Hey Jared" Stella called out to the dark-haired Scolacian. "Why isn't the Sage Unit with you guys?" 

Jared turned to face the fairy. "Well Sam has a little brother named Keeko that he needs to watch over, Shayne has important commander business to attend to, Mikhe's too lazy, and Neill isn't even allowed to get out of the school since he's...uh..I think he's busy?" 

Stella nodded sadly and turned her attention back to walking. 

David noticed Kat wasn't with Muchi, she was walking beside him, with that anime crying face looking at Muchi infront of her. "Fuckin hell, just hug her" David said to her. "No. Not after what I did" Kat gave him the pouting face. 

David rolled his eyes and let Kat walk after him. Then he tripped her.

"AH-!!" Kat stumbled and crashed into Muchi, wrapping her arms around the smaller girl's body. "AHH!!" Muchi was caught off guard, surprised. David snickered at the two, recieving a 'really dude' face from Seth and Harry as they walked by. Keisha, with her emotionless expression, held up a thumbs up.


The Winx had led the Order and Warrior Unit into the office of the Headmistress, who didn't look surprised to see them since Griselda must've told her already. But she did look happy to see them again.

"Scolacians! It's wonderful to see you again" The headmistress greeted warmly. "I'm sorry if we caused you any trouble" 

"Don't be sorry ma'm. The letter that you recieved was probably a fake. We're just as happy to see you too" Kitchi said, smiling.

The hedmistress nodded. "Now, Ms Griselda said that you all came here for something?" 

Aaron nodded. "Yes, ma'm. We came here, to explain" 

The Headmistress raised an eyebrow. "Oh? About what?"


Academy Antagonism - [DISCONTINUED, REWRITTEN VERSION COMING SOON]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat