Warrior Unit

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The Winx and Specialists were boarded on their ship, which was heading back to Magix. The Winx were all pretty exhausted from all the things that they had went through in Scola, even if it was just for a day or two. The Specialists let the girls rest in the ship while they flew back to Alfea. Stella and the others were pretty much asleep by now, except Tecna, who was looking out the window.

'Hey. You all say hi to my daughter for me, alright?'

The man's words echoed in her head. What did he mean by that? His daughter? Have we met his daughter before?

Tecna let out a tired sigh. She couldn't sleep from all her thoughts crowding inside her head.

The tecno fairy jumped in surprise when she felt a hand grab her shoulder gently. She turned around to see Timmy. "Oh gosh, you scared me!" She said in a hushed tone.

"Sorry, I was just checking up on you. Why are you still awake?" Timmy asked.

Tecna scratched her head. "I can't sleep. Too much thinking"

"Of what?" A ginger-haired specialist raised an eyebrow. "Of that man from the motel" Tecna responded.

"You mean Mr. Josei?" Timmy retorted. "Mr. Josei?" The tecno fairy asked with a confused look.

"Yup. He saw us out in the middle of the street, so he decided to take us inside since it was getting dark. I don't know to him, but he seems like a hospitable man" Timmy explained.

"It's just that...he said something earlier that made me feel, I don't know...confused?" Tecna rest her head on her hand. "He told us to say hi to his daughter for him, you have an idea why he said that?" Tecna asked her boyfriend. 

"I don't know. But he did mention that his daughter had gone off to a boarding school" Timmy answered back.

Tecna looked back out the window. "What was the boarding school called?"

Timmy shrugged. "He never said?"

"But if his daughter was in a boarding school, then why did he ask us to say hi for him? It was like he knew us, or you guys?" Tecna said.

Timmy didn't respond, he just shrugged not knowing what to say. "Beats me?"

"Oh well...I guess it's best to get some rest I suppose" Tecna looked at the ginger-haired specialist. "G'night Timmy"

"Night, Tecna"


Morning came and the Winx woke up, feeling refreshed. They all exited the room they were sleeping in and saw daylight shining through the windows of the ship. They all saw the Specialists driving the ships, most of them chatting about something.

"And then she sweeped Riven onto the ground in one kick!" Brandon said, laughing, with a very grumpy Riven sitting beside him.

"Mornin' boys~" Stella said happily, before hugging Brandon tightly. 

The Winx and Specialists greeted their fiances and fiancees. "What are you guys talking about?" Bloom asked, about the previous topic.

"Oh, well you see..." Brandon bursted out laughing before he could finish his sentence. "Tell us!" Stella said excitedly. "Don't." Riven crossed his arms, glaring at the brunette specialist. But Musa slapped his arm afterwards.

"It's a long story, really" Sky spoke up.

"What happened?" Bloom asked. Sky cleared his throat. "Well, it was just another day at Red fountain..."


We had training for the day, then all of a sudden Saladin and Athena announced that there would be guests that will be visiting Red Fountian for a few day. Everyone gathered around and Saladin welcomed the three guests. Two guys, and a girl surprisingly. The tallest guy looked nervous, while the other guy had a proud expression on his face. The girl showed no emotion, even if she was being welcome into a school for boys.

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