Hasty Alarm

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"Do you want to know why me and your mother are divorced?" 

Stella gulped. She hated, dreaded the memories that haunted her mind of past arguements that her parents had all those years ago. "No" The fairy answered. Bloom stayed by her side, giving the blonde a pitiful look.

Queen Luna looked at the king, who took in a deep breath. Exhaling, King Radius walked closer to Stella, with his ex wife following beside him.

"Stella." King Radius said sternly. Placing his hand on his daughter's shoulder, Radius softened his expression.

"I think it's time you should know the whole truth" He stated with sadness in his voice.

Stella tightened her lips in anticipation. What? What whole truth? She thought to her herself. Was there something so bad that her parents had to keep it from her all these years?

"I think...it's time that you should learn about more of our family's history, Stella" Queen Luna said slowly, looking at her daughter with dismal eyes.

The solar fairy narrowed her eyes, nodding slowly. "...I'm all ears, mom. Dad..."

Bloom took a step back, allowing the two parental figures and her friend to have some privacy. Even though she also wanted to know what her parents had to do with Scola, she couldn't just butt in there and eavesdrop the family.

King Radius took Stella's hand, and placed his own hand on her wrist. 

"My beloved daughter...Stella.." He said. 

Stella looked at her hand, and saw that her father was gently rubbing the area where in she injected that strange liquid Jared had given her before she and the Sage Unit had gone off with their gliding gear.

When the both of the made eye contact in a matter of seconds, the king stopped and lets go of the fairy's hand. 

"The reason why me and your mother always argued, day and night, was because we were both afraid of what might've happened if you found out too soon. If you had found out, that you were more than just...Solaria's guardian..." 

Stella gave her father a sad look. She knew what was coming next was not good.

"...Your mother..." King Radius looked over at his ex wife. The queen lowered her head, not saying anything other than giving Stella and her ex husband one sad glance.

"....made a deal with a Scolacian many years ago..."

Stella glanced up at her father. That...made sense, she thought. But..that was it? Her parents had fought and argued, ...divorced, all because her mother made up some deal with a random Scolacian? What was with all these conflicted pasts with Scola? 

"...." King Radius waited for Stella's response. When Stella was about to speak, just opening her mouth the slightest, her mother stopped her.

"That is not all, Stella..." She said, with anguish and heartache as she spoke. "It wasn't just any Scolacian"

Stella thought to herself, if it wasn't just any ordinary Scolacian, then...

Stella's eyes widened. No...it couldn't have been. 

"When I was left alone in a never ending field that led me nowhere, I came upon a tall being...they call themselves..." Queen Luna let out a deep breath.

"...The Ranger.."

That made her blood run cold. The solar fairy's eyes were wide open in shock, too shocked to even speak. Stella didn't look too surprised on the outside, but on the inside, it felt like Stella wanted to scream. She knew who the Ranger was. She knew that the Ranger, was definitely the same being that had came and terrorized her and everyone with her. 

"The Feline Liath..." Stella managed to get out. "...you're talking about the Feline Liath...aren't you?"

Queen Luna looked at the king, seemingly she knew Stella would ask her something like that. She hated seeing her daughter sad whenever it was about her and the king having their quarrels. 

Before she could repsond to her daughter's question, she gasped, so did her ex husband. Stella had tears rolling down her face in moments. She wasn't making any sounds other than a couple of sniffles.


The fairy looked up, more tears forming in her eyes as the light reflected off them. Her mouth has tightly shut, trying to keep in all the sobs.

"...I knew it..." She wimpered. "...I knew it...!!" The fairy cried out, clenching her fists. Her parent were now obviously concerned for their daughter now. King Radius tried to console her, but Stella moved away from the two of them. 

As tears dripped down from her face and fell onto the floor, Stella grit her teeth in anger and frustration. Why hadn't they told her any sooner?! If they had just said something from before, then maybe that would've saved the Sage Unit from their deaths. Everything was spinning in the Solar Fairy's head as she tried to take everything all in.

"Stella please...you must understand. I know we've kept this from you all these years...and we should've told you sooner, but we just couldn't bear to see you like this...we knew you'd react this way and we're very so--"


Stella's outburst nearly echoed throughout the entire throne room. Bloom looked down with a hurt expression, feeling her best friend's pain. Queen Luna backed away from her daughter, at the brink of tears. 

Stella looked at both her mother and father, after realizing what she had just done. The fairy felt guilt rise up and she could feel more tears trickling down from her eyes down her cheeks. The Solar fairy placed both hands over her mouth and silently sobbed to herself, ignoring the fact that all three of her other companions were staring at her.

King Radius placed a hand on his ex wife, as a way of consoling her. He then slowly approached his still sobbing daughter, without a word.

Stella looked up at her father, with bloodshot eyes. Her cheeks were red and wet from crying. The king gave Stella a pitiful expression, and not long after Stella couldn't contain her cries anymore, she collapsed into her father's arms, sobbing and crying her eyes and heart out. 

Radius hugged his daughter tightly, and soon Luna joined in and the three shared a hug that lasted for minuted. Bloom stood apart, giving the family some space and time to recoil. 

The dragon flame keeper watched as the king stroked his daughter's hair in a comforting manner as the queen cried along with her daughter.

Bloom let out a sigh that only she could hear before she realized something about what Queen Luna had said to Stella.

"...how did she...ever meet the Feline Liath in person..?" The fairy thought to herself, with a grim expression.

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