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"I know it's too late to say this but, I don't believe you guys are bad people!" Stella said, defending the Scolacians. "Sorry girls, but I'm with them" She looked at the Winx.

"There's just something that makes me believe that you guys are here to help us.." Stella commented, smiling. 

Kitchi gave Stella a teary smile. "Stella I..."

Stella shook her head. "I know it's weird saying this, especially coming from a person like me. But you guys, have something worth being with..."

The solar fairy turned to the Winx. "And besides. If they were our enemies, they would have not been here and just plain out sneak attack us. But no, they're here. And they want to help"

Flora looked down, feeling guilty. Musa and Tecna looked guilty aswell. Aisha, wasn't so sure on what to believe.

"They have reasons to why they keep things to themselves. Like jared. He didn't want to be reminded of his past. They also might have another reason why too. But they aren't trying to make feel bad. It's just how they are" Stella said, smiling at the Scolacians.

"We can't judge a book by its cover"

Aisha sighed. "...I..." She muttered. "I never thought of it that way..."

"No. Don't blame yourself. It's fine. It's understandable that you snapped at him. But what we should do is to clear things out" Aaron said, rubbing the back of his neck.

The headmistress cleared her throat. "Maybe you all should go. I think its best that way" 

Everyone nodded and proceeded to leave the office. "Wait a minute. Where's Keisha?" Harry spoke up.

Everoyne looked around to find the female Scolacian nowhere to be seen. "Maybe she went with Jared and Kat?" David suggested. "Then let's find them" Kitchi said.


"Are you okay?" Kat patted Jared on the back. He shook her off. "I'm fine" He said coldly. 

"That was the third time you snapped. The last two weren't as bad, but this one. Wow" His female friend commented. Jared scoffed. "You don't know how it feels"

"I do" Kat said. "Oh really" Jared asked, not believing her. "Oh nooo, I don't" Kat said sarcastically.

Jared rolled his eyes at her. "Whatever."


The two of them look up to see their friends, Kitchi, Aaron, and the rest following behind. "Muchi!" Kat said happily. 

"Are you alright, Jared?" David asked his friend. Jared gave him a nod. "Yeah..."

Seth chuckled. "So how's your date with the kitty Kat?" 

Jared rolled his eyes. Kat glared at her taller friend. "Seth, we had this talk already. You're not interested in women. And I'm not interested in--"


She was cut off by the Winx following behind. "-men..."

Stella was infront of the group. "We found you!" The Winx ran up to the two Scolacians. Kat glared at them, stepping infront of Jared. "What do you want?" She asked coldly. 

Whatever the Winx were going to say, was cut off when they all heard rustling in the treelines. 

Then they heard laughter. 

"The Twix!" David exclaimed. 

The three witches rose up from the trees, all of their wounds were bandaged up. "It's the Trix, you four-eyed freak!"

Kat snickered at her friend's reaction to the Trix's insult. 

"Came back for round 3?" Stella asked, getting ready to transform. 

Icy glared at her, but she smirked right after. "Oh, Stella. What makes you think we came for you pixies?"

The Winx all looked confused at each other. "Huh?"

"Witches! Now!" The Trix yelled as more of the students from Cloudtower appeared from the treelines. 

"Get out of here, guys!" Bloom shouted at the Scolacians. They all nodded and went off running out the Alfea gates, out of the magic barrier. Bloom gasped. "No! Don't!"

The Trix smiled as the witches proceeded to fly over to the Warrior Unit and Order.

The witches cackled as they tried grabbing each Scolacian.

Kitchi and Aaron fought them off physically. Seth and Harry went off running into the forest. Jared debated whether or not to follow them. But he made his descision. 

He grabbed Kat, who was the nearest to him and pulled her with him to the forest. "Wha-What are you-- SAVE MUCHI INSTEAD!" Kat yelled angrily. "It's too late!" Jared yelled back as he pulled her into the forest and out of sight.

David looked back at Muchi and his eyes widened. "LOOK OUT, MUCHI!" 

The shorter Scolacian looked behind herself to see a witch grab her. She let out a scream, kickiing and struggling to get free. 

"GUYS!" David looked back at Aaron and Kitchi. They were trying to save themselves aswell.

David sighed. "Grr...where are the fucking Winx?" He muttered.

"Take her back to Cloudtower!" Icy ordered. 

The witches took a struggling Muchi away, just as they heard the Winx attack the Trix. They laughed and flew away into the clouds.


"Where the hell is Keisha?!" Seth and Harry continued running away further into the forest. They ran and ran until they lost their breath and stopped to take a break. They both heard the rustling of leaves and branches and the sound of panting. 

It was Jared and Kat. "What happened?" Seth asked, worriedly.

"Couldn't see. We had to leave quick" Jared said, panting. Kat pulled away from him. "How could you leave Muchi behind?!" 


The dark-haired female felt a stinging pain on her cheek. Jared had slapped her, right across the face.

"Why don't you stop thinking about Muchi, just for one second?!" He yelled, narrowing his eyes at her.

"Jesus Christ, Jared what the hell?!" Seth intervened.

Jared looked at his hand and balled it into a fist as he gritted his teeth. "D..Dammit..!" 

Harry was sweating, yet again, as he looked around. "We should find the others. And get out of here!"

"And how are we supposed to do that?!" Kat asked, her hand on her cheek. 

Seth looked around. "I have a plan"


"They got Muchi!" 

David yelled desperately as the Winx were left defeated as the Trix flew away, laughing to themselves. 

Aaron and Kitchi followed behind him, out of breath.

"What?!" The Winx exclaimed.

Academy Antagonism - [DISCONTINUED, REWRITTEN VERSION COMING SOON]Where stories live. Discover now