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"Daphne! Ineeeeedyourhelponthisonepleasepleasepleasehelpme!!" Just as the pale blonde-haired fairy exited the classroom, she felt herself get tackled by Stella. Daphne regained her balanced and let out a nervous laugh. "Oh okay, okay Stella. What is it?" 

Stella let go of the older girl, but still had her hands on her shoulders. "Daphne, I need you to cover for me!"


"Huh?" Was all Daphne let out, giving Stella a confused face. "...cover you, for what exactly?" 

Stella looked around for any lingering students who were near them. There were none. In fact, no one was around. Perfect.

"I need your cover for me...because..." 

Daphne raised her eyebrow. "Because...?"

"...Because I'm....I'm going to Scola!" Stella said slowly. Daphne's eyes widened. "Alone..??"

The solar fairy slowly nodded. Daphne was, of course, shocked. "Stella, you know how your friends would react!"

Stella sighed. "I know, I know. But, that's why I'm asking you, for help" She let go of Daphne's shoulders. 

"But what can I do? I can't lie to your friends, espeially to Bloom. Think about the consequenses you could put yourself and your friends in!" Daphne said angrily. "I care about you as much as I care about my own sister, Stella. And I'm sorry, I cannot let you go."

That made Stella mad. 

She took something out from her pocket. It was the group picture of her and the Sage Unit. It was from that time when they were going to clean the old chapel.

"Daphne..." She handed the picture to the other fairy. "Please."

Daphne brought the photo closer and examined it. "..."

Stella placed her hand on Daphne's hand which held the picture. "Please Daphne. Just..this once. Please" The fairy begged.

"They..rescued me. They rescued me, just before I could be eaten by a Liath..."

Daphne's eyes widened, but she was cut off when Stella continued her explanation. 

"If it wasn't for them...I wouldn't have been alive...I wouldn't be here talking to you, I'd be good as dead. Things would have been much different if they hadn't come to save me on time...They, risked their lives just to rescue me. Not only once, but...twice! They, including the rest of the Scolacians, fought of this really enormous Liath, which was known as the Behemoth, and it was nearly up to 100 meters tall or more!" Stella said, gripping Daphne's arm.

Daphne had a shocked expression on her face.

"I can't just abondon them and forget about them like what they did was all nothing! I can't just...I don't know if I trust them or not, but I'm willing to take a risk and just to over there and talk to them. Just like what any normal person would do! I want to sort this whole thing out, whether no one is on board with me, or not!" Stella said, letting go of Daphne's arm.

"They're my friends, Daphne" Stella said softly, narrowing her eyes. 

Daphne looked down at the picture once more, then looked back at Stella. "...Stella..I..."

"I know, I know. Things have changed! I get it!! Okay!? The Feline Liath is still out there, somewhere, waiting for it's next victim to eat! If things don't get sorted out sooner or later, then next thing you'll know, that Leviathan would be rampaging throughout Alfea and destroying everything in its path!" The solar fairy said, shutting her eyes tight before opening them up again.

She turned away from Daphne in a matter of seconds. "You know what, forget it Daphne. I'm going over to Earth and sorting this whole misunderstanding out. I don't care if any of you try to interfere. Those people in Scola are my friends, and I...I trust them!"

The fairy began to walk away quickly. Daphne reached out to her, calling her name. "Stella wait!"

The solar fairy stopped in her tracks. "...." Daphne then looked reluctant to say the next thing.

"I'll....just..." Daphne took in a deep breath. " safe. Okay?" 

Stella did not face her. She just continued on her way, back to her dorm. 


There, she walked past Bloom, who was actually looking for her. "Stella! Wher-"

The blonde ignored her, and entered her dorm before shutting the door. That left Bloom, confused, in the middle of an empty hallway.

Academy Antagonism - [DISCONTINUED, REWRITTEN VERSION COMING SOON]Where stories live. Discover now