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"You just had to show off a little too much, did'ya Keish?" Seth glided beside his two comrades. "You could've just killed the damned giant and left" 

"Keisha could do what she wants" Harry spoke up, narrowing his eyes at the bigger male. 

"Enough" Keisha cut off the both of them as they all came to a stop on a nearby building. "I think we've made our point in taking down that Samson" She equipped her swords, landing ontop of the roof. "Let's head back"

"Woah woah woah, hold up right'er Keish. You sayin' we gon' leave now?? But we just got here" Seth questioned the female warrior. Harry landed on the roof beside him, drenched in sweat. He wiped off some of it as he uneqquiped his staff. "Hey, I think we should go. I mean, we only came here to-"

"See, Seth? Even Harry agrees. So let's go" Keisha answered back to the taller Scolacian. "We're leaving"

"You ain't the leader" Seth argued.

"Neither are you" Keisha answered.

Harry grew nervous from the two arguing. He decided to put a stop to it before it got worse. "Stop it, both of you! Let's just leave so the other Units won't notice we're gone!" 

The two immediately stopped their bickering, but not because Harry told them to, but because they all heard the sound of the Specialists' vehicles nearby.

"Shit. Yer'right Harry. Let's go" Seth, Harry, and Keisha jumped off the roof they were on, and took off maneuvering. Not like they did anything wrong, it's just that the Warrior Unit did not like being questioned by people about their doings.

"If we git to the forest quick enough, we could make it back to Scola just before everyone's up for sunrise" Seth told his two comrades, just as they were making their way towards a groove of trees, in the outskirts of Gardenia.

"..." Keeping up with them, Keisha looked back at the city one more time, before turning her attention back in front. Harry noticed this and questioned her.

"Something wrong?" He asked.

"No" Keisha answered quickly. "I'm just worried for those people. I only mentioned that there are more attacks in the city so that the citizens would get moving. But what if there really were more attacks...?"

"It's their problem, Keish. We didn't cause this damned ruckus, so why should we fix it" Seth said, not looking back at the two. "Come on, we're here"


"Where did they go?!" Riven and the other Specialists drove their vehicles to the spot where they thought they saw a glimpse of the three Warrior Unit members. 

"I swear they were just here!" The Specialist growled in anger. 

"Their gear can travel an impressive speed. Maybe even a tad bit more than our vehicles. No wonder they're gone" Timmy said, fascinated by the mechanics of the Scolacians' gliding gear.

"Yeah? What makes them so special?" Riven scoffed. "I mean, they didn't really do anything, besides kill that sams- whatever it is" 

"They did us a favor, come on, lighten up" Brandon said, putting his arm on the fuming specialist. "If they hadn't come, those people would have been that Samson's lunch"

(A/N: Sorry for the short chapter)

Academy Antagonism - [DISCONTINUED, REWRITTEN VERSION COMING SOON]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt