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What a perfect day to start cleaning, they said.

It was only five in the morning, and the Sage Unit, including a really grumpy Stella was heading out in the cold dark pathways to the old Stone Chapel. Stella was complaining all the way over there, much to Mikhe and Shayne's annoyance. Sam nor Neells didn't seem to care that much.

"Uuugghh why do we have to wake up so already..?? It's still dark!... Why do I have to come with you guys...!" The solar fairy continued to whine.

"Stop your whining, fairy. We're already here" Mikhe said, irritatedly. 

The five all stood in front of a dusty looking stone chapel. It looked like it hadn't been maintained in months. Plus the dust and smoke from the Behemoth's attack had made it look worse than it already is. 

"We're not just fighting Liaths, we still have our Scolacian duties. Like this. Cleaning" Shayne said smiling. Mikhe let out a groan. 

Stella looked at the chapel in disgust. The old thing was dusty, and dirty. She then heard someone yelling in a distance. The Sage unit and the solar fairy looked behind themselves and saw a short girl running up to them with a bag full of cleaning supplies in her arms. "I got the supplies you guys needed!"

The short girl run past the group and set down the bag on the stairs of the chapel. She took a few mops and buckets out, and handed them to each Sage unit member, including Stella. Then after getting a few towels and white handkerchieves from the bag, she handed them to the group. "Thanks, Mika" Shayne said to the short girl.

The Sage Unit tied their given handkerchieves onto their heads, like a bandana. Stella looked at hers and followed the same way. 

Mika stood on the top stair of the chapel, as she took a camera out from her uniform's pocket. "You know, for the memories!" 

Shayne and Stella stood infront, since they were shorter than the guys. Everyone looked at the camera, waiting for Mika to take the picture.

Stella was too nervous to smile, but she felt a pat on her shoulder. She turned her head to see Neell giving her a gentle smile. He pointed at his smile, telling Stella to not feel nervous. Stella smiled back and faced the camera. Right on time, too. The camera took a shot of them just as she faced the camera, smiling.

"Thanks, guys! You can continue your cleaning!" Mika took her camera and ran off past the group, giggling to herself.


After the sun had risen up, the Winx were woken up by knocking on their door. 

"Girls?" Christen called out to them from behind the door. Kirstine, Gigi, and Jas were behind her, each of them holding a small box.

Bloom, still halp-asleep, opened the door yawning. She greeted the Synod Unit groggily, stretching out her arms. The other Winx were also waking up, as they sat up on their beds, rubbing the sleep from their eyes.

"Kitchi and the others will be seeing you all in a bit" Christen told the still tired-looking fairy.

Hearing that made Bloom wide-awake. She straightened herself and quickly faced the other Winx to get ready. Then she looked at the Synod Unit and immediately asked if they had found Stella.

The four council Scolacians looked at each other, then back at Bloom. "You'll see for yourself when we get to the Stone Chapel"

Bloom looked relieved and quite happy. She knew they had found Stella and brought her back safely, she could tell by the Synod unit's expressions. "We'll wait until you girls are ready" They closed the door to let the five girls get changed and freshened up. 

Academy Antagonism - [DISCONTINUED, REWRITTEN VERSION COMING SOON]Where stories live. Discover now