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~Geno Sans

My contemplation was interrupted however when AGAIN the parasite lunged at me, this time going straight into my eye. That was expected, but when it tried to get ahold of my soul that's where it crossed the line. BUT this could be used for research purposes, so why was I complaining?

For some reason when the parasite enters the soul kinda gets sucked into the host's head for god knows what reason. The thing was, my soul was so fucking tiny, why would the parasite have anything to do with that.

There was nothing I could do to get it to stop, so when it did latch on, it kinda did nothing else. I just kept on writing my notes about it and what it was doing. Wasn't doing anything else. At all. It seemed like it was trying to get me to turn 'Fresh' or whatever, just I wasn't letting it. No sir, not today.

All of its attempts were in vain, for the fact that my soul was so small, yeah I could die by it, but it's not the thing that controls me. I control me.

But since my energy was getting drained I decided that this research would come to a close, grabbed my parasite catcher shoved it into my eye socket, and took the parasite out. I put it into a wooden container because I didn't have a cage at the time, and went back to writing my notes.

When you think about it, the parasite is pretty weak without a body. I teleported out again to take some more notes on others. For the parasites sake I had a list of my favorite puns in there(there were a lot about 100 pages full, one of my favorites being bar jokes like "I walked into a bar, and it hurt, like, a lot", or "A man walked into a bar with a chunk of asphalt and says, "'Gimme a beer, and one for the road"', ANYWAY), so that should keep it busy. 

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