Chapter 4~

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I sat at the cafe table, fingers drumming nervously against the tabletop. This was our first meeting, no reason not to be nervous. The cafe bell rang once again, and I looked over to see the person I was waiting for.

My boyfriend.

I know what you're thinking. If this is our first meeting, how is he, my boyfriend? Truth be told, we've been dating online for weeks. He's a really nice guy, and from what I've seen, pretty handsome too. That's how I fell for him...


im.a.bluenette: Hey V?

v.not.mystic.messenger: Yeah?

im.a.bluenette: What do you look like?

v.not.mystic.messenger: Well, I was told never to show what I look like...

im.a.bluenette: I mean, you know what I look like... And you know I'm not a stalker, lol

v.not.mysic.messenger: I mean, true. I guess...

 I guess

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im.a.bluenette: Damn.

v.not.mystic.messenger: XDD

v.not.mystic.messenger: I know, I can't resist me either. *sassy hair flip*

im.a.bluenette: You crack me up. XDD


I quickly stand up, seeing him looking around the cafe. He spots me, and I quickly flash him a peace sign, and his face lights up. He walks over to me.

"V?" I ask him, and he nods vigorously.

"Vylad." He confirms. I smile and extend my hand.

"Dante." His face lights up.

"So..." He says sitting down.

I follow suit. I nervously run my fingers through my hair, and I look back up at him to see his cheeks dusted in a hazy pink color. I smile and wink and the color on his cheeks grows darker.

I smile softly. The waitress interrupts us, bringing us our food, and as she sets down V- Vylad's plate, his eyes light up. He looks back up at me once the waitress leaves.

"You remembered what I like!!" He says, a big grin appearing on his face.

"Course I did..." I say, winking at him. "I mean, I have to remember what my boyfriend likes, don't I?"

He laughed, and his face was a bright red. "That's true... Crap, I realized my brothers might be worried sick about me, lemme text them real quick." He pulled out his phone, typed quickly, then put it back away.

"Now..." I start. "Where were we?"


{Garroth's POV}

All of us currently at Aph's house were sitting around her living room, her face still somber unlike the happy face we met when we first came.

"So Garroth? Zane? You guys have no idea why he left?" Aaron asks us, occasionally looking back at Aphmau.

I shake my head in confirmation. "No, we have no clue where or why he would leave," I say. Zane shakes his head also.

"He doesn't usually travel without telling us like this." He says, worries evident in his eyes.

"Hm..." Nana thought, her ears twitching. "Maybe he just had to do something without you guys knowing?"

"But where would he go?" I ask, knowing Vylad never goes anywhere without telling us first.

Just then, my phone rings and I pull it out quickly, hoping it's Vylad. I sigh in relief when I see it is Vylad, and I unlock it quickly.

"Who is it?" Zane asks me, nervousness lacing his voice. I feel his breath on the back of my neck, and I look back and smile at him once I know he's seen. "Thank Irene...." He sighs, the nervousness leaving his voice.

"Vylad?" Aaron questions, drawing everyone's attention to me.

"Yeah," I say, quickly reading over his text. "He says he's out at the cafe with his online friend."

The nervousness comes back into Zane's eyes, as he looks at me with worry.

"He'll be ok, Zane. He's smart. He knows when to call us for help." I reassure my younger brother, and he rubs his forehead with worry.

"I sure hope he'll be alright Garroth."


Word Count: 654 words

Not one of my longer ones, but still a lot of info!!

A few filler chapters coming up, so just be ready.

Thanks for reading, and be sure to hit that vote button!!


(Edited 5/9/19)

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