Chapter 25~

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You're awfully persisent. Fine. I will allow you one glance. That is all.

{Sam's POV}

My eyes fluttered open, blinking due to the slight sunlight. I look around the room, once my eyes have adjusted.

It was small, maybe a few square feet big. Just enough to fit a twin bed. I try to stand up, but find my arms are chained to the head of the bed.

There's no way I'm able to pull myself free.

I tug, only making the chains rattle. I sit back on the bed.

I sigh, my stomach rumbling slightly.

"You need food in there?" A voice boomed from outside.

"Yeah.." I say, a bit quietly. "I am kinda hungry."

They slip a small plate into the room, onto a conveyer belt and up to me. All I see is one hairy arm, not enough to identify anyone.

"Who are you...?" I ask the man. "And why do you want me?!"

"To the first... I cannot tell you. The second.. I don't want you, I want your friends to come here." The voice booms once more.




"I shall not answer."

I sigh. "Can you tell me anything at all....?!"

"I can tell you that your friends will find you. You will not stay here for long."



I sigh, as he stomped off, leaving me sitting alone in the room.

I looked out the window, rattling the chains once again.

"Please hurry, Sarah."

Happy now?

My Mental Help [Zanvis, Garrance, Vylante FF]Where stories live. Discover now