Chapter 26~

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Would you like to save your precious author if I told you she would tear your oh-so-adored characters apart? Neither would I.

[Travis' POV]

I watched as Sarah paced the floor of our house, nervously chattering to herself.

Zane and I sat on the couch, Garroth being out at work.

She turned to us suddenly. "What if they can't track the phone? What if he masked the signal so we couldn't?!"

"We'll find her, Sarah." Zane said, reassuringly. "After all, he didn't block the signal since he sent a text with her phone."

I nod. "He's right, we will find her."

Sarah sighs, sitting on a chair across from us. "I suppose."

It suddenly went silent.

I could tell the two felt like they had nothing in common. However, Zane knew that wasn't true. He told me himself the other day.

"So." I say, trying to break the tension between us.

They both look up at me at the same time, causing me to look between the two.

I snort slightly. "You two are more similar than you think." I say, shrugging. "Try to find a common ground."

"Well..." Sarah said. "Maybe..."

Zane stayed silent.

"Zane, why don't you tell her what you told me a while back...?" I say, looking over at Zane.

"I-I'm sure she doesn't want to remember..." Zane stutters.

"Huh?" Sarah said, looking confusingly between me and Zane. "What do you mean...?"

"W-Well..." Zane stuttered, rubbing his arm nervously. "I-I knew someone else o-on the plane you w-were on...."

Sarah's eyes widened, then flashed with sadness. "Who....?"

"M-My mom..."

"So that's how she....?"

Zane nodded. "Yeah... "

Just then, Sarah's phone buzzed, and she immediatly picked it up. "It's the tracker..!" She exclaimed, previous sadness forgotten.

"What'd they say?!" I ask, springing up myself.

"They've almost found-" She was cut off by her phone dinging again. Her face suddenly fell.

"What? What's wrong?" Zane asked, heading over to me. I glanced over at him, then turned my gaze right back to Sarah.

"Th-They know." She stuttered, tears coming to her eyes. "Unknown knows we're tracking Sam...!"

"Oh no." Zane says, grabbing my hand and squeezing it, most likely unknowingly.

That doesn't stop my face from exploding into blushes.

"But good news... The trackers have found Sam."

Sarah thought I wouldn't find out?


I know more than I let on.

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