Where Am I?

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   My eyes fluttered open as questions filled my mind. The biggest one of all, where on God's green Earth am I? Why am I not on the moldy, hard basement floor? I sat up and looked around. This surely was no moldy basement floor. I was laying in a soft bed with a light grey knitted blanket draped over me. Above me there was a light grey canopy with lights in it. My head was laying on an array of dark grey pillows. The floor was carpet, in the corner beside my bed there was a basket with extra pillows in it. The ceiling had a big brownish fluffy ball hanging from it, interesting. On the left wall of the bed there were several framed photos of random objects and places. The other wall had a big window with light grey curtains to block the sun.  The rooms walls where painted light grey and had lights on them. Whoever designed this room must really like the color grey. (A/N Picture of her room above). 

   I was looking around the room, shocked and confused when I heard footsteps nearing me. I grew anxious and worried as the steps grew closer so I laid my head down and pretended to be asleep. 

"We know you are awake It's ok, we won't hurt you." The voice came from a male of some kind. I just kept my eyes closed, to afraid of who I might see when I open them. 

"You know your going to have to open them sometime." This time another male voice spoke to me. He was on the other side of the room than the person who spoke before. 

"We will wait." This time a third voice spoke to me. I was now even more concerned than before. Who is we?  Where on Earth am I?

"I will open my eyes, but only if you make a promise to me." I stated with my eyes still closed, hoping if I opened them I would receive answers.

"Depends on what the promise is, Cassidy." Another knew voice stated. As soon as his last word left his mouth my eyes shot open and I sat up abruptly.

"H-How did y-you know my n-name?" This is freaky. There where five boys surrounding me. On the left of me leaning against the wall, a teenager with curly brown hair stared at me, he seemed somewhat upset. He had several piercings and looked frightening. Next boy seemed older than the first. He had dark brown hair that was shorter on the sides and swooped up in the front. He had dark brown comforting eyes. The next boy was standing right in front of me, about arms distance away from the bed.  His hair was similar to the last boy. The one thing that made him noticeably different however was his piercing blue eyes. It looked like someone took a Hawaiian beach and filled his eyes with its water. The next boy was kneeling at the right side of my bed. A little too close if you asked me. His previously darker brown hair was dyed blonde, his roots still fairly visible giving away its previous color. He had a wide smile stretched across his face. He kinda creeped me out. The last boy had dark brown hair in the usual cut, short on the sides, longer in the front. His hair too was spiked up in the front. He seemed noticeably younger than all of the other boys, only by a year or two though. After examining all of them I turned my attention to the one with the eyes, standing in front of me. "Hello? I asked a question. How on this Earth do you know my name? I really just want to finally go home. Who are you? Why am I here? When ca-" I began rambling but was cut off.

"That is more than one question. Come on and we will give you answers." The older boy stated as he began to exit the room. 

   I cautiously followed him as the other boys trailed behind me. The boy walking ahead of me lead me to a couch. We where in a very large home, theres no way this is their house. My mouth fell slightly open as I peered around the house. 

"Sit." The boy I was following ordered. I had no clue if they would hurt me so I immediately took a seat at the far edge of one of the three couches.  The other boys filled in the spots on the couch across from me.

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