Uncovering The Past

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My eyes fluttered open, taking in the light. I sat up in my familiar new bed. I'm back at the boys house, what happened? My whole body hurts, I can't move my arms and legs. It's like I'm paralyzed. Suddenly my door opens, revealing Jonah.

"Cassidy!" He yells, rushing over to me.

"What in the Milky Way galaxy happened?" I questioned, still unable to move.

"You started to get really mad back at Logans. We where scarred that your writherin would come out again. Logan used this stun needle to temporarily paralyze/put you to sleep." He explains. Soon the other boys come into the room and gather around my bed.

"I can't move." I state angrily.

"I know and we are sorry. You should be able to soon." Zach explains.

"Do you need anything?" Corbyn questions.

"I need to be able to move so I can go slap Logan." I say through clenched teeth.

"I can just go over there and you can slap me!" Logan yells from the other room. "Oh wait, you can't slap me, you can't move!" Logan jokes, coming into the room. I let out a harsh sigh.

"Don't make her mad again." Jack scolds, turning to Logan who then leaves.

"Thank you." I say, glad to not have to see his face for another second. 

"Hey can you guys go for a few minutes?" Corbyn asks, turning to the guys. They nod their heads and leave the room, all but Jack.

"Whats going on?" I question, raising an eyebrow. Corbyn and Jack both sit on either side of me on the bed.

"Well, Logan says since you are a writherin, you can remember everything. We want to see if we can see your memories of before your parents where killed." Jack states, like it is no big deal.

"I would nod my head but I kinda can't so ok." I state, slightly suspicious. I have never really tried to remember my past that far back. Both of the boys take one of my hands in theirs and close their eyes. I close my eyes too and memories start pouring into my mind.


"Mommy!" A young girl screeches from a high chair.  

"Yes princess?" A young lady with long golden brown hair questions, turning towards the toddler.

"I want to go play with the other kids!" The little girl whines. 

"I know princess. You remember what Daddy said?" The lady questions, setting another dish in the dishwasher. She turns her attention back to the toddler who is shacking her head no.

"If you have a temper tantrum in front of the other kids, they will be scared of you. You might hurt one of them. We do not want that to happen." the lady explains, walking up to the toddler and kissing her forehead. The woman goes back to washing the dishes. From the hallway, a man with blonde fluffy hair walks up to the toddler while the woman is still turned around. The man rushes to the toddler and gently lifts her out of the high chair. The toddler begins to scream and cry as the man sprints to the bathroom and places her on the floor. He locks the door, leaving the girl inside. Seconds later a loud boom can be heard from the kitchen. Then, yells coming from a man and another boom. The whole time the little girl was screaming from behind the bathroom door. Minutes later, the bathroom door opens revealing the blonde haired man. He had tears in his eyes as he picked the girl up off of the bathroom floor. He held her in a tight embrace, rubbing her back.

"I'm so sorry." His voice cracked. The man began carrying the little girl our of the house. He covered her eyes with his large hand, enabling her from seeing the mess in the kitchen. He placed her in a car seat, buckling her in. After a long drive the man parked the car. He unbuckled the girl and carried her into a house. When inside the house she was handed to a woman. 

"It is finished." The blonde haired boys now harsh voice stated.

"Good work. We will need you for one more thing. However, you have to wait until this one gets older." A man with dark harsh eyes said. The blonde haired man suddenly exited the house, leaving the girl behind.


My eyes shot back open as I came back to reality. I realized I had been crying. I sat up, now being able to move. Corbyn and Jack didn't hesitate to pull me into a tight hug. I  just cried on Corbyns shoulder for what felt like years. After calming myself down I  got off the bed and went to the living room. I need to do something. 

"Cass! You can move!" Daniel exclaimed as I passed him in the hallway. I simply nodded and continued my search for Logan. I found him at the kitchen counter making a sandwich. I began cautiously walking up to him. I guess he heard my footsteps and turned towards me.

"What do you think your'e doing?" He questioned, he looked somewhat shocked. I continued walking up to him.

"If you are going to slap me, at least tell me." He jokes. I continue walking until we are within arms distance of each other. That is when I envelop him in a large hug. He doesn't hesitate to hug me back.

"I am so sorry Cassidy." He cooed, rubbing my back.

"Jack and Corbyn showed me. You did what you had to do. Thank you for taking care of me." I thank him. He just squeezes me harder.

"Awww." Jonah says from his seat at the kitchen counter.

"Now we don't have to worry about them killing each other anymore." Zach jokes.

"Says who?" I joke back, breaking away from the hug.

"Should I go?" Logan asks, picking up his sandwich.

"I was kidding dingbat." I joke again. Logan stuffs his sandwich in his mouth.

"We should watch a movie!" Daniel suddenly yells, making all of us jump.

"Yeah!" Corbyn, Jack, and Jonah exclaim in unison.

"Im down." I say, going through the cabinets in search of food.

"Sounds fun" Logan mumbles with his mouth full.

"What movie?" Zach questions.

"Cassidys choice, after all she was just paralyzed temporarily." Jack jokes.

"Yeah!" I yell, pointing a finger at Logan.

"Hey! You didn't have to bring that up!" Logan yells, pointing a finger at Jack.




THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING! It means the world to me when I see your comments. We are extremely close to 300 reads! I can't believe it! Thank you guys so much! I hope you enjoyed the chapter! If you have any ideas for future chapters be sure to let me know! Love ya! -Ivey

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