I'll Be Ok

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Two Weeks Later

"Jonah, I'm scared." My voice was a low whisper as Jonah and I talked on the couch in his office.

"Cass, we are all here to protect you. Nothing bad will happen to you." He stated as he wrapped his arms around me. He pulled me onto his lap and I dug my head in his chest.

"I'm not worried about myself. I'm worried about all of you. I care about everyone under this roof so much. I can't bear the thought of any of you being hurt." I said as a silent tear slid down my cheek.

"Look at me Cass." Jonah demanded. I moved my head off of his chest. He held my face in his hands. "Don't worry about us. What happens, happens. We are doing everything we can to take these people down." I slightly nodded and he pulled me into another hug. 

"Alpha Jonah, it's happening." One of the guards bursted into his office followed by Jack.

"Cassidy come on." Jack rushed over to me and lifted me off of Jonah.

"What's happening?" I questioned, extremely worried.

"Jonah?" I exclaimed as he began walking out of the office. He turned back to look at me and gave me a soft smile before exiting the room.

"Cassidy, we have to get you somewhere safe." Jack told me as he walked over to a bookshelf. He pulled a book off of the shelf to reveal a keypad. He typed in a string of numbers and the bookshelf began retracting into the wall. Jack wasted no time in rushing through the entrance, still holding me.

"What about everyone else?" I questioned.

"Your family is already down there." He reassured me as we made our way down a staircase.

"What about Logans family?" I asked, growing more and more worried.

"Jake and Logan are up top. The king and queen are with your family." He answered, keeping his voice calm as we rushed down a dark hallway.

"And the boys?" I choked out on the verge of tears.

"Cass, don't worry about them." He paused for a moment to meet his eyes with mine. He wiped my tears with his thumb and quickly began walking again.

"It will all be ok." He assured me as he carried me into a room. Inside there where ten guards, Logans parents, my parents, and my brothers. Over the last two weeks, we grew more and more anxious waiting for an attack from my old 'parents'. Everyday more and more guards showed up at our house. At one point there where about 200 camping out in our yard, all from packs across the country. It was unbelievable how busy the house was. As we came into the room, Ethan and Grayson rushed over noticing my troubled state. Jack handed me over to my brothers. 

"Cass, we all love you." Grayson reassured me as he rubbed my back. I nodded and moved to hug Ethan.

"I'm so glad you are our sister." Ethan smiled down at me.

"I'm so glad you two are my brothers." I smiled at both of them.

Cass, do you want an update? Corbyns voice rang through my head.

What do you think? I sassed.

There were 200 of them and 300 of us. We are dominating. I could feel Corbyns smile.

Are you ok? Are the boys ok? Is anyone hurt? I rushed.

Calm down, we are all ok. Can't say the same about them though. He chuckled.

Please stay safe. Tell me right once it is over. I ordered.

Will do, I love you. He confirmed.

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