Control It

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Daniels POV

It has been three days since our battle with Cassidys "adoptive parents". We ended up eliminating all of them. Haha, thats what happens when you come after the king and queen of werewolves, and our mate. Speaking of our mate, since the battle she has been really shaken up. Since I still haven't marked her yet, I thought I would take her on a date. As for Zach, I don't know what he is going to do. It is currently around eleven thirty at night. Today we had a pretty relaxed day, we all did our own thing. Cassidys parents went back to their home yesterday as well as Logans family. Logan is going to stay at our house for a while to help us out. Ethan and Grayson offered to stay but Cassidy politely declined. She told them they should focus on their careers. 

"Alright guys, I'm going to go to bed." Jonah patted my back as he walked up the stairs. Now it was just Cassidy and I sitting on the couch downstairs.

"Do you want me to stay with you tonight?" I ask her. 

"Yeah, if you don't mind." See slightly smiles, looking up from her phone. Every night since the battle the boys and I decided it would be best for one of us to stay with her every night. Since she is so shaken up we thought it would make her feel safer. 

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked.

"Well, you just did but go ahead." She stated causing me to slightly chuckle.

"Will you go on a date with me tomorrow?" I covered up my nerves by smiling. She smiled back at me.

"Of course. I would love to Dani." I pulled her into a hug.

"I know the last few weeks have been pretty crazy. I would love to just get your mind off of it for a few hours." I stated while smoothing down her hair.

"I would love that, lets go to bed." She replied while slowly pulling away from the hug. We made our way to her room and went to sleep. 


I opened my eyes to a room full of darkness. I glanced over at the digital clock on the bedside table, 3:52 AM. I think I'll go get some water. I slowly loosened my hold on Cassidy and exited her room. When I made it to the kitchen, I was surprised to see Corbyn sitting at the counter. He had his head in his hands, he seemed stressed.

"Hey bud, whats up?" I asked as I opened the cabinet to get a glass.

"Just thinking, what are you doing up?" He responded.

"I woke up and came to get some water. Are you ok?" I asked, filling the cup with water. Corbyn seemed really stressed for some reason, it was starting to rub off on me.

"Theres just a bad feeling in the air. I don't know what it is but I don't like it." He sighed at the end.

"When did it start?" I asked, trying to better understand the situation.

"Before I went up to bed. I couldn't sleep because the feeling was causing my brain to wonder everywhere." He explained.

"Could Cassidy's feelings be rubbing off on you?" I asked, since he marked her, he can feel her emotions.

"I don't think so. This is more of a gut feeling, that something bad is going to ha-" He started but was cut off by the sound of light footsteps coming towards us. He shot out of his chair and stood in a battle stance. I set my glass down on the counter, preparing to fight whatever was coming around the corner. The footsteps got closer and closer. Until Cassidy appeared in our view.

"Daniel?" Her soft voice spoke.

"Cass, sorry I left. I came to get some water." I walked up to her, then I noticed her eyes. They where a deep orange.

"Daniel I can't control it." She seemed exhausted. Her witherin is trying to come out.

"Logan!" Corbyn yelled. Logan will be able to coach her through it. I gently grabbed both of Cassidys arms and stared into her eyes.

"Cass, deep breaths. In..." I took a deep breath in and she did the same. "Out..." I instructed. She followed my lead as many footsteps rushed towards us.

"Whats wrong?" All of the boys appeared in the kitchen.

"Logan, Cassidys witherin is pushing out." Corbyn informed him. Logan stepped towards us.

"Cassidy, listen to me, ok? Stay with me. You are strong, continue to take deep breaths." He encouraged her, as I continued to guide her through breathing in and out. With every exhale her eyes grew a shade lighter.

"Good, good, you are doing great Cass." Logan stated, rubbing her back. When her eyes returned to their normal blue color, I pulled her into a giant bear hug. The other boys joined in and soon we had a big group hug going on.

"I'm so proud of you Cassidy, you did so well." Jonah smiled at her. We all broke apart from the hug after a few minutes.

"Lets go back to sleep." I suggested to Cass. She faintly smiled and we made our way back to her room.

Next chapter is the date! I have gotten some really good ideas from y'all! Thanks @maddiemadill and @Eliana_1129 for the idea of this chapter and the next few. I have also decided to involve the process of Cassidy gaining her powers in a few chapters too. Also, there may be a few more surprises along the way ;). So, don't worry. This book won't be ending as soon as you think.

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